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AQA A level biology paper 1 7th June 2018 unofficial markscheme

Please add any questions and answers

Evidence for mitosis (2 marks)
Joined at centromere
Consist of two sister chromatids

Stage in mitosis (1mark)

The cells were put in a solution which had a higher water potential than in the cytoplasm of the cell. This did not cause lysis of the cells but did cause the chromosomes to move further apart. Suggest why (2 marks)
- Water moves into cell via osmosis
- Increases volume

Differences between eukaryotic DNA and prokaryotic DNA (2 marks)
Prokayokic DNA is circular
Prokaryotic DNA has no histones

When staining the chromosomes some parts of the chromosome have more stain than others causing them to appear striped. Suggest why (2)

Describe the method used to produce the curve shown. Include control variables. (4 marks)

The rate of osmosis in mm2 per minute was higher in the 8 cubes then the large cube in the first 40 minutes. Use calculations to support this. (3 marks)

Define homologous chromosomes (1 mark)

Define species richness (1mark)

Percentage (2 mark)

Some Q about how many times faster something was than something? Answer in standard form. (2 marks)
- 578 / (3 x 10^-9)
- 1.93 x 10^11

Function of 2 enzyme involved in DNA replication (3 marks)
DNA polymerase and; DNA helicase

How to improve method (2 marks)
Random sites

Lyxcose and the ATP question (3 marks)

Why E-S complex increase rate of reaction (2marks)

Draw amino acid (1 mark)

Number of bases needed (I mark)

Code is degenerate. How? Use example (2)
- 1 amino acid coded for by 1+ codon
- Give example from table

Multiple choice (1 mark)
First option

Concluded that natural had most bees and town had least bees. Does the figure support these statement (4)

Ethical consideration (1 mark)
Ensure marking does not affect survival

Some question on identifying species (1 mark)

3 species given with Genus and Species. What does this suggest about their ecological relationship (2)

Chi squared (2 marks)
Chi squared value was bigger than test statistic, therefore difference is significant
- Probability that difference is due to chance is less than 0.05
- Reject null hypothesis

Directional selection (3 marks)
- Directional selection is selection to one extreme phenotype in this case it is tetraploids. So more likely to survive as higher yield so a shift in the mean towards this extreme i.e. more 2n gametes over generations

Snake venom has toxins. Antivenom treatment - passive immunity. How does this work and why is passive essential (4)

Vaccine given small dose initially, then large dose two weeks later. Why. (3)
-Initially the vaccine induced a primary response = low number of antibodies produced but memory cells produced. Second vaccination induces a secondary immune response = much higher antibody production because memory cells are stimulated.

Horse or rabbit. (2)
- Horse.
- Bigger volume of blood
- More antibodies

Why was the snake venom taken from different snakes of the same species? (1 mark)
Different antigen so more types of antibodies produced

Why vet was present (1 mark)
Vaccines have side effects

Why does the change from glu amino acid to lys amino acid cause a change in one chain but no change in the other chain? (3 marks)

Draw stages of meiosis (2 marks)

Put in expected values for plants that produced and didn't produce 2n gametes in cycle 1. (2)
- 52
- 4

Protein cyclin A (4 marks)

Scientist concluded phloem destroyed and xylem not destroyed
How does a) Picture support 1st statement and b) Table support 2nd statement. (4)
a) - Less plant visible - less CO2 passed through
- CO2 couldn't travel as no phloem present
b) - SDs overlap
- Not significant - xylem didn't affect water potential

How transportation of Fe3+ varies in old/young leaves and by heating/control. (4)
Young Plants: Lower ratio as less at the top as heat treated so phloem damaged. Thus, more at the bottom as active transport of Fe3+ ions from the soil into cytoplasm of root cells using ATP Hydrolysis. Shows Fe3+ ions are translocated.
- Older Plants: Higher at the top as Fe3+ are produced at the top via cells. Thus no translocation necessary which is why heat treated have similar ratio as diffusion between cells at surface.

Process of expiration and inspiration (6 marks)

Triglyceride and phospholipids (5 mark)
- Glycerol
- Fatty acids
- Store energy
- 3 fatty acids/2 fatty acids + phosphate
- Non-polar/polar

Formation of lactose (4 marks)
Glucose and galactose join via condensation reaction with gycosidic bond in between
(edited 5 years ago)

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Everyone post your answers below please :smile:

1) Evidence it was undergoing mitosis (2)
2) What part of the cell cycle was it in? (1)
- Prophase
3) The cells were put in a solution which had a higher water potential than in the cytoplasm of the cell. This did not cause lysis of the cells but did cause the chromosomes to move further apart. Suggest why (2)
- Water moves into cell via osmosis
- Increases volume
4) Give 2 differences of the structure of DNA in a prokaryotic cell compared to the DNA in a human cell (2)
- Circular/linear
- No histones/histones
- Short/long
5) When staining the chromosomes some parts of the chromosome have more stain than others causing them to appear striped. Suggest why (2)
- Histones - denser
- Absorb more of the stain

Why E-S complex increase rate of reaction (2)

1) Describe the method used to produce the curve shown. Include control variables. (4)
2) The rate of osmosis in mm2 per minute was higher in the 8 cubes then the large cube in the first 40 minutes. Use calculations to support this. (3)

1) Concluded that natural had most bees and town had least bees. Does the figure support these statement (4 - 2 for each statement).
2) 3 species given with Genus and Species. What does this suggest about their ecological relationship (3)
- 2 of them have the same genus
- Have a more common ancestor than the third
- Third one must have same family or earlier ancestor
3) Ethical consideration (1)
- Dont harm bees
4) 2 things they could do to make the data collection better (2)
- Random sites

Snake venom
1) Snake venom has toxins. Antivenom treatment with antibodies- passive immunity. How does this work and why is passive essential (4)
- Antibodies bind to toxin - complementary shape
- Form antigen-antibody complex
2) Why was the snake venom taken from different snakes of the same species? (2)
3) Vaccine given small dose initially, then large dose two weeks later. Why. (3)
-Initially the vaccine induced a primary response = low number of antibodies produced but memory cells produced. Second vaccination induces a secondary immune response = much higher antibody production because memory cells are stimulated.
4) Horse or rabbit. (2)
- Horse.
- Bigger volume of blood
- More antibodies
5) Why vet observed animals before and after blood extraction (1)

1) Drawing of stages
- First 2 cells were the same as figure given. 4 daughter cells each should have 1 long and 1 short chromatid.
2) Put in expected values for plants that produced and didn't produce 2n gametes in cycle 1. (2)
- 52
- 4
3) Chi-squared. (3)
- Chi squared value was bigger than test statistic, therefore difference is significant
- Probability that difference is due to chance is less than 0.05
- Reject null hypothesis
4) Directional selection (3)
- Directional selection is selection to one extreme phenotype in this case it is tetraploids. So more likely to survive as higher yield so a shift in the mean towards this extreme i.e. more 2n gametes over generations produce more tetraploids.

Heating plant Q
1) Scientist concluded phloem destroyed and xylem not destroyed. How does a) Picture support 1st statement and b) Table support 2nd statement. (4 - 2 each)
a) - Less plant visible - less CO2 passed through
- CO2 couldn't travel as no phloem present
b) - SDs overlap
- Not significant - xylem didn't affect water potential
2) How transportation of Fe3+ varies in old/young leaves and by heating/control. (4)
- Young Plants: Lower ratio as less at the top as heat treated so phloem damaged. Thus, more at the bottom as active transport of Fe3+ ions from the soil into cytoplasm of root cells using ATP Hydrolysis. Shows Fe3+ ions are translocated.
- Older Plants:Higher at the top as Fe3+ are produced at the top via cells. Thus no translocation necessary which is why heat treated have similar ratio as diffusion between cells at surface.

Lyxcose Q (3)
- Binds to allosteric site so alters active site so more ATP can bind so faster rate of hydrolysis.

Cyclin A Q (4)

Percentage Q (2)
0.44/1.41 x 100 = 31.4%

2 enzymes involved in DNA replication (3)
- DNA helicase
- DNA polymerase

Some Q about how many times faster something was than something? Answer in standard form. (2)
- 578 / (3 x 10^-9)
- 1.93 x 10^11

Define species richness (1)
- Number of species in a community

Define homologous chromosomes (1)

mRNA codons stuff
1) Draw amino acid (1)
2) Min. no. of bases in polypeptide. (1)
- The number given multiplied by three
3) Code is degenerate. How? Use example (2)
- 1 amino acid coded for by 1+ codon
- Give example from table
4) Multiple choice for mutation Q (1)
- First one
5) Why did amino acid 300 not affect rate of reaction but 299 reduced rate of reaction? Both changed from Gly to Lys. (3)

Describe the gross structure of the human gas exchange system and describe the process of breathing in and out (6)

Compare and contrast structure and properties of triglycerides and phospholipids (5)
- Glycerol
- Fatty acids
- Store energy
- 3 fatty acids/2 fatty acids + phosphate
- Non-polar/polar

How is lactose formed and how it forms glycoproteins (4)
- Glucose and galactose
- Condensation reaction
- Glycosidic bond
- In the golgi
(edited 5 years ago)
Reply 2
1. Chromatin was condensed into chromosome; sister chromatids joined together by centromere in X shape
Reply 3
Please contribute
Original post by 67823
please contribute

bro that paper was hard man i think anyone has the answers!
Original post by 67823
Please contribute

100% not anaphase it was prophase
Answers I remember:

First Question: Why does the figure show mitosis? Because chromosomes were double-armed chromatids replicated previously from interphase. And the double-armed chromatids were condensed to be shorter and thicker and thus easily visible with staining. Mutlichoice question: the answer was prophase. Why were the cells placed in a solution with higher water potential? So water moves into the cells by osmosis, and this increases the volume of the cell so more space for the double-armed chromatids, so less likely to cross.

The answer to the Percentage Question involving the ratios was around 30%. You divide the value of the lower curve ration around 0.4 by the value of the upper curve ratio of around 1.35. This is because the 1.35 ratio is considered to be 100%.

Horses and rabbits question about blood was 2 marks. Horse because more blood (give the calculation so 350x13 compared to rabbit calculation) so more antibodies. Why were they given a vaccine after two weeks? Initially the vaccine induced a primary response = low number of antibodies produced but memory cells produced. Second vaccination induces a secondary immune response = much higher antibody production because memory cells are stimulated. This was a 3 marker.

Lyxcose and the ATP question. No idea.

Chi-squared question: the value given was much greater than the critical value. So result is significant = null hypothesis rejected. Some factor other than chance is affective the results.

Potato cube surface area 3 marker: you actually had to calculate the surface area. Totally looked passed this and lost 3 marks.

No idea how to do the proportion of 2n gametes table question. The question on directional selection was 3 marks. Directional selection is selection to one extreme phenotype in this case it is tetraploids. So more likely to survive as higher yield so a shift in the mean towards this extreme i.e. more 2n gametes over generations produce more tetraploids.

Bees Question. Ethical so make sure no harm to bees. Different species so make sure you identify different physical features. How would they improve their method? Random sampling but this only gives you 1 mark.

The amino acid table question. Drawing was 1 marker. Why does the change from glu amino acid to lys amino acid cause a change in one chain but no change in the other chain? The position of the substitution was different. This changed the tertiary structure and specific bonds formed here e.g. hydrogen/ionic/disulphide. So one chain had a change in tertiary structure but the other chain did not as there was no difference in the tertiary structure bonds. Something related to tertiary structure is the answer.

Breathing 6 marker. You can bullet point this. Inspiration = active process as contraction of external intercostal muscles and diaphragm increase volume of thorax decrease pressure of lungs so air forced into lungs. Oxygen in air diffuses from bronchioles into alveoli into capillaries. You can expand on alveoli I guess. Expiration = passive process as external intercostal muscles and diaphragm relax decreasing volume of thorax increase pressure in lungs so air forced out of the lings. I am assuming two marks for each inspiration, alveoli, expiration.

Triglycerides and Phospholipid comparison 5 marker. Both have glycerol. Both ester bonds. Both fatty acid chains. Both insoluble. Triglyceride three fatty acids. Phospholipid two fatty acids and phosphate. Phospholipid forms bilayer, Triglyceride forms insoluble droplets. Bullet points.

Lactose 4 marker glycoprotein. Lactose disaccharide with glycosidic bond. Monomers are glucose and galactose. Proteins modified in the Golgi apparatus and glycoprotein formed when a carbohydrate such as lactose is added to protein (the question asked how does a glycoprotein form not where are they glycoproteins located so not cell membrane).

Overall, much more difficult than previous papers. WAY MORE TIME NEEDED TO ANSWERS ALL THESE QUESTIONS. I DONE THE LAST 3 QUESTIONS IN AROUND 10 MINUTES. These answers are probably not in order, its just the way I remember them.
I put Prophase. Most people did.
Original post by GenjjutsuGG
100% not anaphase it was prophase

thank God!
for lycxose and ATP i said without lyxcose it continued as normal then levelled off because the enzymes were saturated. Said with lyxcose it was a lower rate because it was a competitive inhibitor and blocked active site but then as concentration of ATP increased rate increased because the inhibitor had less of an effect.

But i was in such a panic I have a feeling I might have read the graph wrong
Original post by -70mV
1. Chromatin was condensed into chromosome; sister chromatids joined together by centromere in X shape

Can this not happen it meiosis 1 also? Hence you can’t certianly say that it’s mitosis?
Reply 11
How does the formation of ES speed up the rate of reaction?

Why are multiple venoms used?
Original post by Username8791737
for lycxose and ATP i said without lyxcose it continued as normal then levelled off because the enzymes were saturated. Said with lyxcose it was a lower rate because it was a competitive inhibitor and blocked active site but then as concentration of ATP increased rate increased because the inhibitor had less of an effect.

But i was in such a panic I have a feeling I might have read the graph wrong

i said about non competitive because it was a sugar so i assumed it didn't have a similar structure to ATP! did i do it wrong?
Original post by HumzaAhmed
Answers I remember:

First Question: Why does the figure show mitosis? Because chromosomes were double-armed chromatids replicated previously from interphase. And the double-armed chromatids were condensed to be shorter and thicker and thus easily visible with staining. Mutlichoice question: the answer was prophase. Why were the cells placed in a solution with higher water potential? So water moves into the cells by osmosis, and this increases the volume of the cell so more space for the double-armed chromatids, so less likely to cross.

The answer to the Percentage Question involving the ratios was around 30%. You divide the value of the lower curve ration around 0.4 by the value of the upper curve ratio of around 1.35. This is because the 1.35 ratio is considered to be 100%.

Horses and rabbits question about blood was 2 marks. Horse because more blood (give the calculation so 350x13 compared to rabbit calculation) so more antibodies. Why were they given a vaccine after two weeks? Initially the vaccine induced a primary response = low number of antibodies produced but memory cells produced. Second vaccination induces a secondary immune response = much higher antibody production because memory cells are stimulated. This was a 3 marker.

Lyxcose and the ATP question. No idea.

Chi-squared question: the value given was much greater than the critical value. So result is significant = null hypothesis rejected. Some factor other than chance is affective the results.

Potato cube surface area 3 marker: you actually had to calculate the surface area. Totally looked passed this and lost 3 marks.

No idea how to do the proportion of 2n gametes table question. The question on directional selection was 3 marks. Directional selection is selection to one extreme phenotype in this case it is tetraploids. So more likely to survive as higher yield so a shift in the mean towards this extreme i.e. more 2n gametes over generations produce more tetraploids.

Bees Question. Ethical so make sure no harm to bees. Different species so make sure you identify different physical features. How would they improve their method? Random sampling but this only gives you 1 mark.

The amino acid table question. Drawing was 1 marker. Why does the change from glu amino acid to lys amino acid cause a change in one chain but no change in the other chain? The position of the substitution was different. This changed the tertiary structure and specific bonds formed here e.g. hydrogen/ionic/disulphide. So one chain had a change in tertiary structure but the other chain did not as there was no difference in the tertiary structure bonds. Something related to tertiary structure is the answer.

Breathing 6 marker. You can bullet point this. Inspiration = active process as contraction of external intercostal muscles and diaphragm increase volume of thorax decrease pressure of lungs so air forced into lungs. Oxygen in air diffuses from bronchioles into alveoli into capillaries. You can expand on alveoli I guess. Expiration = passive process as external intercostal muscles and diaphragm relax decreasing volume of thorax increase pressure in lungs so air forced out of the lings. I am assuming two marks for each inspiration, alveoli, expiration.

Triglycerides and Phospholipid comparison 5 marker. Both have glycerol. Both ester bonds. Both fatty acid chains. Both insoluble. Triglyceride three fatty acids. Phospholipid two fatty acids and phosphate. Phospholipid forms bilayer, Triglyceride forms insoluble droplets. Bullet points.

Lactose 4 marker glycoprotein. Lactose disaccharide with glycosidic bond. Monomers are glucose and galactose. Proteins modified in the Golgi apparatus and glycoprotein formed when a carbohydrate such as lactose is added to protein (the question asked how does a glycoprotein form not where are they glycoproteins located so not cell membrane).

Overall, much more difficult than previous papers. WAY MORE TIME NEEDED TO ANSWERS ALL THESE QUESTIONS. I DONE THE LAST 3 QUESTIONS IN AROUND 10 MINUTES. These answers are probably not in order, its just the way I remember them.

I got very similar answers to you !
Reply 14
Drawing the correct meiosis stages

How is this directional stabilisation

Why does the injection have to be passive immunity for snake venom
what did the was the y axis on the lyxcose graph?
I said the stain binded to the histones on the chromosome and that they're slightly separated and not continuous... no idea
Amino Acid Drawing:

R(above C)
NH2 - C - COOH
H(below C)

I think the R and H can be swapped around.
(edited 5 years ago)
Original post by NextGenRemix
what did the was the y axis on the lyxcose graph?

rate I think
Please add any questions and answers

Evidence for mitosis (2 marks)
chromosomes have condensed
Consist of two sister chromatids so DNA has replicated

Stage in mitosis (1mark)

The cells were put in a solution which had a higher water potential than in the cytoplasm of the cell. This did not cause lysis of the cells but did cause the chromosomes to move further apart. Suggest why (2 marks)
- Water moves into cell via osmosis
- Increases volume/ hydostatic pressure? forces chromosomes apart

Differences between eukaryotic DNA & prokaryotic DNA (2 marks)
Prokayokic DNA is circular
Prokaryotic DNA condenses by supercoiling, whilst eukaryotic condeses into chromosomes

When staining the chromosomes some parts of the chromosome have more stain than others causing them to appear striped. Suggest why (2)
different frequency of specific nucleotide bases

Describe the method used to produce the curve shown. Include control variables. (4 marks)
control temperature, pat the potatoes dry and weigh them

The rate of osmosis in mm2 per minute was higher in the 8 cubes then the large cube in the first 40 minutes. Use calculations to support this. (3 marks)

Define species richness (1mark)
number of species in an area

Percentage (2 mark)

Function of 2 enzyme involved in DNA replication (3 marks)
DNA polymerase - joins free nucleotides together DNA helicase- breaks hydrogen bonds between DNA strands

How to improve method (2 marks)
Random sites, repeat for more than 3 years

Lyxcose and the ATP question (3 marks)
lyxcose changes the teritary structure of the enzyme so ATP can bind

Why E-S complex increase rate of reaction (2marks)
repulsion and attraction forces bind or break substrate apart
Draw amino acid (1 mark)

Concluded that natural had most bees and town had least bees. Does the figure support these statement (4)
yes for first no for second

3 species given with Genus and Species. What does this suggest about their ecological relationship (2)
last two related more closely as same genus
Why vet was present (1 mark)
Vaccines have side effects, to prevent the animals being poisoned from snake venom

Process of expiration & inspiration (6 marks)

Triglyceride & phospholipids (5 mark)

Formation of lactose (4 marks)
Glucose &galactose join via condensation reaction with gycosidic bond in between

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