The Student Room Group

Pre dental course at Manchester!!!!!!

Hi im new to this place :hello: and was wondering whether you guys could help... i wana apply to Manchester to do the 6yr dentistry course because i didn't do chemistry as level and was wondering whether any one else is applying for it? if so wat subjects are you doing and are you applying to any other courses? also if i was to pick up chemistry as an As level along with my 3 a levels ( biology, english and sociolgy) would i still be able to do the course?
You can't do the pre-dental course if you have more than 1 science. If you want to do the pre-dental course, stick with biology and don't bother doing Chemistry AS
Reply 2
Hey i got onto the Pre dental course this year.

I did Biol, Maths and Music alevels and got onto the course fine. So id stick to what you're doing, specially if you can get the required grades, no point straining to get the chem too.

Hope that helps
Pop lwc
Reply 3
Sorry just realised you meant the 6 year one...I wouldn't take chemistry as you might be putting yourself at risk at not being accepted...biology is the max science you must have I do yourself a favour and don't do it:p:
If you do have chemistry to AS level then thats fine...i have. They dont want you to have it to the full alevel
Reply 5
hey can i ask which other unis do pre-dental courses.
Reply 6
hey can i ask which other unis do pre-dental courses.

King's -sometimes they don't run the course like just last year so check it's going ahead this year.



might be others but not sure!
Reply 7
I will be next year. Manchester requires ABB, but what do Bristol, Cardiff, Dundee etc require?

Geography: B
History: A
Economics: B possibly A.

I will have had about 6 weeks work with a dentist and plenty of voluntary work with a great reference.
Reply 8
hi :smile:, i am currently a student at uni, near the end of my first year, but, i dont enjoy my course, i am going to drop out and would like to do dentistry. i saw a pre dental 6 year cousre in manchester and was interested but it requires me to have all A's in all the a levels i already have, but i did not get A's in them. i have A levels in; sociololy, finance, art and an as in english langauge).

would you consider me going back and doing Science A levels or do you think i have a change of getting onto the course? im i little lost ... would appreciate some advice ...
Reply 9
Original post by arooge
i have A levels in; sociololy, finance, art and an as in english langauge).
would you consider me going back and doing Science A levels or do you think i have a change of getting onto the course? im i little lost ... would appreciate some advice ...

As you didn't get A's for your A-Levels, I doubt you can apply for undergraduate dentistry. Your best bet would be to complete your degree and apply for postgraduate dentistry. You could ask your university if you could switch to another course if you hate your current one so much.
Reply 10
thank you for your advice.
what entry requirments are their for postgraduate dentistry? dont you need a degree in a science subject?
if not are the uni's which you can study dentistry at a postgraduate level, restricted?
also, do you have to finance your tutuion fees etc by your self to study a postgraduate degree?
Reply 11
TSR's page for Graduate Entry Dentistry

Except for Peninsula, you do need a biomedically related degree (at 2:1 at least) to apply. Which degree are you doing now?

As of 2012, you'll have to finance yourself for any degree beyond your initial one, so if you're serious about dentistry you're gonna have to start saving up! Sucks right?

Original post by arooge
thank you for your advice.

You're very welcome! I live to serve! Though some +Rep would be appreciatedLOL!
Reply 12
:/ ,.. Im doing contemporaryy arts ... Thinking of dropping out to do a levels in science nd maths so i could hopefully gt onto da dentistry degree ... Dont know it its worth it or not ,,.
Loll :smile:
(edited 12 years ago)
Reply 13
Original post by arooge
:/ ,.. Im doing contemporaryy arts ... Thinking of dropping out to do a levels in science nd maths so i could hopefully gt onto da dentistry degree ... Dont know it its worth it or not ,,.
Loll :smile:

Dental schools don't like it when more than two years are taken for A-Levels, and they certainly don't like it when people drop out of Uni. Dropping out would probably be equivalent to shooting yourself in the mouth foot as it'll seem like you're not a committed individual. Best thing to do would be to get a 1st and either apply to Peninsula or do a science degree, then apply to Dental schools (which isn't really a feasible option unless you're rich).
Hey, is anyone still available from this thread? i want to apply to the six year course and was wondering if anyone could give me more unis to apply to as i found Cardiff and Manchester but cant find anymore and dont want to just apply to two because that would be a waste and risky. thanks

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