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Cardiff Dentistry 2025 Entry

Welcome to Cardiff University Dentistry 2025 Entry discussion thread!

Official website:

Useful TSR resources:
Official Dentistry 2025 Entry Applicants’ Thread:
The “Which dental school should I apply to?” Thread:
Dentistry Undergraduate Entry Requirements:
Dentistry Graduate Entry Requirements:
Pre-dentistry/ Gateway Entry Requirements:
Official Dentistry 2024 Entry Applicants’ Thread:

Useful links:
Official UCAT website:
Dental School's Council Entry Requirements for 2024 entry:
UCAS Dentistry Subject Guide:
Dental School Comparison tool:
UCAT cut-offs in 2023 for 2024 entry:

General TSR Rules:
Do not ask for or post group chat links.
Do not ask for or post interview questions.
Do not offer to buy or sell items, including the promotion of dentistry courses.

Good luck!
Template shamelessly stolen from @Ionomer
(edited 10 months ago)

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how do you arrange work experience ? Dental practices near me do not allow any shadowing because it's still COVID🤒 apparently.!
Reply 2
Original post by fate of a PA
how do you arrange work experience ? Dental practices near me do not allow any shadowing because it's still COVID🤒 apparently.!

perhaps try online work experience courses around dentistry (ie. future learn) and if u really can't get any dental wex, don't stress for now, but focus on getting experience in other 'caring' profession (ie. hospital, carehome, youth group etc) as a lot of unis say they find this valuable too. Any 'caring' experience is good experience, and dentistry-specific experience can be podcasts/books/online courses/webinars etc if you really can't get any in-person dental wex in your area. good luck u got this!!
If I take alevel biology chemistry and psychology for alevels. Will unis like birmingham uni prefer applicants which take alevel bio, chem and physics/ maths for their alevels over psychology? or even for medicine as I am not sure if i want to be a dentist or doctor yet.
Reply 4
Original post by toothysmile
Welcome to Cardiff University Dentistry 2025 Entry discussion thread!
Official website:
Useful TSR resources:
Official Dentistry 2025 Entry Applicants’ Thread:
The “Which dental school should I apply to?” Thread:
Dentistry Undergraduate Entry Requirements:
Dentistry Graduate Entry Requirements:
Pre-dentistry/ Gateway Entry Requirements:
Official Dentistry 2024 Entry Applicants’ Thread:

Useful links:
Official UCAT website:
Dental School's Council Entry Requirements for 2024 entry:
UCAS Dentistry Subject Guide:
Dental School Comparison tool:
UCAT cut-offs in 2023 for 2024 entry:

General TSR Rules:
Do not ask for or post group chat links.
Do not ask for or post interview questions.
Do not offer to buy or sell items, including the promotion of dentistry courses.

Good luck!
Template shamelessly stolen from @Ionomer

hi i heard from people online that welsh applicants have lower requirements to get an interview, can anyone confirm this and let me know where its stated, i cant really find anything on cardiff unis website
Reply 5
Original post by Idk-tbh
hi i heard from people online that welsh applicants have lower requirements to get an interview, can anyone confirm this and let me know where its stated, i cant really find anything on cardiff unis website

Don't believe this. I applied to Cardiff last year as a Welsh student, having completed 16 years of study in Wales. I achieved a competitive UCAT score of 2750, 12 A*s at GCSE, and was predicted 3 A*s, with work experience in Wales and the relevant extra-curriculars. Cardiff still rejected me pre-interview, and when I questioned them about why, they stated that my academic results were insufficient (even though ik English students who were offered interviews with lower UCAT scores and lower predicted grades). I was devastated, however I thankfully gained a place to study in Plymouth (who after much research I discovered have a much better course structure than Cardiff), and am off to study there in 2 weeks. Although it would've been nice to have been offered a chance to study in the country I live in, it seems as though their application process is flawed in some respect. I would still encourage looking into applying here, but I do believe the 'prestige' of the dental school here is unjustified, as their course is extremely theory-based, with much less focus on patient-centred learning (imo). Hope this helps :smile:
I’m predicted A*AA and in GCSE got 9887776666. My UCAT score is 2820 B3.
Do I have a good chance of getting an interview?
Reply 7
Original post by Coumarine22
I’m predicted A*AA and in GCSE got 9887776666. My UCAT score is 2820 B3.
Do I have a good chance of getting an interview?

Look at what unis dont heavily weight sjt banding
Reply 8
Original post by amaj123
Don't believe this. I applied to Cardiff last year as a Welsh student, having completed 16 years of study in Wales. I achieved a competitive UCAT score of 2750, 12 A*s at GCSE, and was predicted 3 A*s, with work experience in Wales and the relevant extra-curriculars. Cardiff still rejected me pre-interview, and when I questioned them about why, they stated that my academic results were insufficient (even though ik English students who were offered interviews with lower UCAT scores and lower predicted grades). I was devastated, however I thankfully gained a place to study in Plymouth (who after much research I discovered have a much better course structure than Cardiff), and am off to study there in 2 weeks. Although it would've been nice to have been offered a chance to study in the country I live in, it seems as though their application process is flawed in some respect. I would still encourage looking into applying here, but I do believe the 'prestige' of the dental school here is unjustified, as their course is extremely theory-based, with much less focus on patient-centred learning (imo). Hope this helps :smile:

Thanks, it did! I hope you're enjoying Plymouth
Reply 9
How do cardiff weigh SJT and GCSEs,

I have 3010 b3, and 9999988776 GCSEs would I get an Intervirw? Apparently they want all 9/8 GCSEs?
Original post by Gbains
Look at what unis dont heavily weight sjt banding

I’m not exactly sure how to find out what universities have a lower weighting on SJT. With my stats what uni’s do you think I would have the best shot at?
(edited 5 months ago)
Reply 11
Original post by Coumarine22
I’m not exactly sure how to find out what universities have a lower weighting on SJT. With my stats what uni’s do you think I would have the the best shot at?

Look on the individual uni websites
Reply 12

My son got a ucat 2770, B2 and gcse: 9988888773 and A*A*A* predicted, does he have a chance for Cardiff dentistry 2025?

Reply 13
Also does anyone here know what percentage of the places go to the Welsh people and what percentage to RUK?
Original post by amaj123
Don't believe this. I applied to Cardiff last year as a Welsh student, having completed 16 years of study in Wales. I achieved a competitive UCAT score of 2750, 12 A*s at GCSE, and was predicted 3 A*s, with work experience in Wales and the relevant extra-curriculars. Cardiff still rejected me pre-interview, and when I questioned them about why, they stated that my academic results were insufficient (even though ik English students who were offered interviews with lower UCAT scores and lower predicted grades). I was devastated, however I thankfully gained a place to study in Plymouth (who after much research I discovered have a much better course structure than Cardiff), and am off to study there in 2 weeks. Although it would've been nice to have been offered a chance to study in the country I live in, it seems as though their application process is flawed in some respect. I would still encourage looking into applying here, but I do believe the 'prestige' of the dental school here is unjustified, as their course is extremely theory-based, with much less focus on patient-centred learning (imo). Hope this helps :smile:

Hey such a shame that they rejected you! I applied to cardiff 2 years ago as a graduate and they rejected me because of the academics too that doesnt make any sense cause I met their grades. When I tried to appeal to them I didn't get the reply I wanted.
Reply 15
My son is considering Cardiff dental school. His has achieved A Levels of A*A*A in chemistry maths and biology respectively. His UCAT is 2960 B2.
The problem for his GCSE 2 x9 ,3 x8 , 4 x7 and one grade 6 in English language. I heard Cardiff have points system on GCSE and they interview applicants with ALL grades 8/9. Is it risky to apply there.
Reply 16
Original post by toothysmile
Welcome to Cardiff University Dentistry 2025 Entry discussion thread!
Official website:
Useful TSR resources:
Official Dentistry 2025 Entry Applicants’ Thread:
The “Which dental school should I apply to?” Thread:
Dentistry Undergraduate Entry Requirements:
Dentistry Graduate Entry Requirements:
Pre-dentistry/ Gateway Entry Requirements:
Official Dentistry 2024 Entry Applicants’ Thread:

Useful links:
Official UCAT website:
Dental School's Council Entry Requirements for 2024 entry:
UCAS Dentistry Subject Guide:
Dental School Comparison tool:
UCAT cut-offs in 2023 for 2024 entry:

General TSR Rules:
Do not ask for or post group chat links.
Do not ask for or post interview questions.
Do not offer to buy or sell items, including the promotion of dentistry courses.

Good luck!
Template shamelessly stolen from @Ionomer

Is it true that to be called for an interveiw one must have 35+ points?? . Please could someone let me know if they give offers to a point below? Many thanks :smile:
Original post by toothysmile
Welcome to Cardiff University Dentistry 2025 Entry discussion thread!
Official website:
Useful TSR resources:
Official Dentistry 2025 Entry Applicants’ Thread:
The “Which dental school should I apply to?” Thread:
Dentistry Undergraduate Entry Requirements:
Dentistry Graduate Entry Requirements:
Pre-dentistry/ Gateway Entry Requirements:
Official Dentistry 2024 Entry Applicants’ Thread:

Useful links:
Official UCAT website:
Dental School's Council Entry Requirements for 2024 entry:
UCAS Dentistry Subject Guide:
Dental School Comparison tool:
UCAT cut-offs in 2023 for 2024 entry:

General TSR Rules:
Do not ask for or post group chat links.
Do not ask for or post interview questions.
Do not offer to buy or sell items, including the promotion of dentistry courses.

Good luck!
Template shamelessly stolen from @Ionomer

I completed a levels this summer and got A*A*A in chem bio French,
9s in : rs, history, arabic, French
8s in : combined science (my school didn't offer triple), maths, English language
7 in English lit
UCAT : 2690 b2
where should I apply with these stats??
Original post by username6250784
I completed a levels this summer and got A*A*A in chem bio French,
9s in : rs, history, arabic, French
8s in : combined science (my school didn't offer triple), maths, English language
7 in English lit
UCAT : 2690 b2
where should I apply with these stats??

is it impossible to get an interview at cardiff with b3?
Reply 19
Anyone heard about interviews yet?

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