The Student Room Group

🌼🍉 Brownies, books and planning a wedding - your favourite fiancés’ 2nd blog 🍉🌼

Hi everyone!


Welcome to our new blog!! :h:

In case you're new here, I (Nathan) started a thread two and a half years ago to ask for advice when I found out my crush was gay. I was 18, in my first year of uni, super shy, and not out to anyone. Thanks to the lovely people of tsr who convinced me to wave at him on Facebook, we ended up talking and got together! Whoop whoop! :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

We've had our struggles, my family was very homophobic at first, we both have mental health issues, we even broke up for a couple months, but lately things have been going super duper well -- we moved in together in January and got engaged a few weeks ago!

My fiancé, Alex, also made a tsr account (@nicalibres) and we started a blog together just over a year ago, to stay in touch with everyone who's helped us and supported us, it's a lovely lil community :h::h:


Time to introduce ourselves!

Hi, I'm Nathan, 21 years old. I'm from Cumbria but moved to the south of England to study English at uni. I've just graduated (with a first!! :biggrin:) and my plans are to work for a year and then do a masters. I'm really not sure what I want to do with my life, hopefully I'll figure it out somewhere along the way :tongue: My family are pretty religious, but they eventually came around to me being gay and they're lovely and supportive now. I've got a twin sister who is dating my best friend from school, and then there's my mum, my dad, and our dog. In my spare time I like to play guitar, read, listen to music, pretty basic stuff really, and lately I've been really into wedding planning! I have anxiety so sometimes I can be a bit annoying, but most of the time I manage it pretty well :smile:

Alright, my turn? Hey, my name is Alex, I also go by @nicalibres on here. I'm 22 and originally from London. My past is a little bit tragic - grew up poor, dad left when I was 12, toxic first boyfriend, two years of drinking and sleeping around, yadda yadda. I've managed to sort myself out now... for the most part, that is. Like Nathan, I also study English at uni, that's how we met! Aforementioned tragic past has made me mentally ill, so I've had to take a year out. I'm on meds and in therapy now - ready to start third year again in October. My dream job is being a teacher. I also enjoy art, I draw and paint quite a lot. N and I have totally different personalities - he's quiet, I'm outgoing; he's organised, I'm messy; he's cute and innocent, people often call me dirty-minded... But I'm really quite sweet. I've got a baby brother, Luca, he's almost 1 now and totes adorbs. Like Nathan!


Other fun stuff :biggrin:

Key dates in our relationship:




(edited 3 years ago)

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boom *****es
Reply 4
Original post by Moonbeam06

boom *****es

Omg I didn't realise there were 10001 posts in a thread, I thought I was the last one! Anyway, welcome back :biggrin:

Original post by Anonymous

Hi! Which anon are you?
I think I was anon 2 on the last thread so thought I'd nab it again on this one :lol: Not that I posted much anyway!
New thread :party:
Hello all :biggrin:
Original post by nathan1403
Omg I didn't realise there were 10001 posts in a thread, I thought I was the last one! Anyway, welcome back :biggrin:

Hi! Which anon are you?

yh cos the op doesnt count :colone:
Reply 9
Original post by Moonbeam06
yh cos the op doesnt count :colone:

Ahh the more you know!!
Aahh I didn’t realise that either
Original post by nathan1403
Ahh the more you know!!

lmao look at me being smart :cool:
look different fonttttttt
I can't figure out the fonts thing but I can get a different colour!
Ooh fancy!

What’s everyone up to?
Original post by AnnaBananana
Ooh fancy!

What’s everyone up to?

We're still on holiday in Wales, but we aren't up to much tonight, I think everyone is tired. We're still sharing a room with my sister, she's having some relationship troubles so Alex and I are trying not too act too much like a happy couple, we don't want to make her feel worse :s-smilie:
Reply 15
Original post by nathan1403
We're still on holiday in Wales, but we aren't up to much tonight, I think everyone is tired. We're still sharing a room with my sister, she's having some relationship troubles so Alex and I are trying not too act too much like a happy couple, we don't want to make her feel worse :s-smilie:

Is your sister still with your friend?
Original post by AnnaBananana
Ooh fancy!

What’s everyone up to?

I’ve just noticed your forum helper title, congratulations!
Original post by PHRED
Is your sister still with your friend?

Yes, she is, but she feels like there is no real spark or connection between them, and my friend feels like my sister is creating distance between them and they aren't as close as they used to :s-smilie: The question is whether my sister is pushing my friend away because she feels it isn't working out, or whether she feels like things aren't working out because she's pushing him away... I would be so sad if they broke up :frown:
Original post by Mosaic4
I’ve just noticed your forum helper title, congratulations!

Thank you! I still need to sit down and learn stuff but it’s a busy weekend. We are eating alcoholic chocolate trifle!
Original post by nathan1403
We're still on holiday in Wales, but we aren't up to much tonight, I think everyone is tired. We're still sharing a room with my sister, she's having some relationship troubles so Alex and I are trying not too act too much like a happy couple, we don't want to make her feel worse :s-smilie:

I'm still on holiday too and it's v hot.

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