Hi, I'm Nathan, 21 years old. I'm from Cumbria but moved to the south of England to study English at uni. I've just graduated (with a first!!

) and my plans are to work for a year and then do a masters. I'm really not sure what I want to do with my life, hopefully I'll figure it out somewhere along the way

My family are pretty religious, but they eventually came around to me being gay and they're lovely and supportive now. I've got a twin sister who is dating my best friend from school, and then there's my mum, my dad, and our dog. In my spare time I like to play guitar, read, listen to music, pretty basic stuff really, and lately I've been really into wedding planning! I have anxiety so sometimes I can be a bit annoying, but most of the time I manage it pretty well
Alright, my turn? Hey, my name is Alex, I also go by
@nicalibres on here. I'm 22 and originally from London. My past is a little bit tragic - grew up poor, dad left when I was 12, toxic first boyfriend, two years of drinking and sleeping around, yadda yadda. I've managed to sort myself out now... for the most part, that is. Like Nathan, I also study English at uni, that's how we met! Aforementioned tragic past has made me mentally ill, so I've had to take a year out. I'm on meds and in therapy now - ready to start third year again in October. My dream job is being a teacher. I also enjoy art, I draw and paint quite a lot. N and I have totally different personalities - he's quiet, I'm outgoing; he's organised, I'm messy; he's cute and innocent, people often call me dirty-minded... But I'm really quite sweet. I've got a baby brother, Luca, he's almost 1 now and totes adorbs. Like Nathan!
Other fun stuff 
Key dates in our relationship: