The Student Room Group

KCL Nursing - Placements

Hi All,

I got accepted on to the Msc Nursing (adult) for this year. I wanted to know if anyone knows how many placements we do per year and when they are roughly. Also, how many days a week are we required to come into university?
Thank you in advance.
(edited 1 year ago)
Hi, I hope I can get some insights from previous and current adult nursing students in KCL, I am curious to know if you had the opportunity to do clinical placement in these areas such as OBS and gynae, geriatric, mental and pediatric nursing? Even though you are studying adult nursing, I know there will be a lot of medical and surgical placement involved .
hi i know you never got a reply but as your course has started i was wondering if you could let me know what the answer to your question was if you found out?

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