
My name is Kelly and I am one of the student representatives at City University of London!! I'm a 2nd year adult nursing student and I wanted to share some tips which have made me love placement
Tips for placement:
1) learn how to use EPAD before going in for placement. EPAD is an assessment tool for nursing students where we record our practice hours and tick off our objectives which need to be completed during practice. You can learn how to use EPAD by attending the EPAD lectures.
2) Be friendly and proactive - this wont only benefit your studies and confidence but it will help you bond with the staff. Since starting my placements i've made so many friends on the ward (both healthcare assistants and nurses) through helping with everyday task such as making beds. However, dont let them treat you like staff or overwork yourself because you are there to learn; its okay to say "sorry i'm in the middle of this task if i'm available later ill come give a hand." But if you're are not doing anything of course offer some help.
3) become friends with other student nurses - you can learn and teach each other things and you can practice skills such as giving handover or vital signs on each other. When i was on placement, me and another student nurse would go through the medication trolley with permission of the nurses and research different tablets together. simple ways to make learning fun and easier.
4) leave the ward - okay i dont mean leave the ward without permission or whenever you want because you will get in trouble but i mean ask your mentor to give you shadowing opportunities in different departments. for example I asked my mentor if i could spend a day in theatre to watch surgery or in the clinic or join ward rounds. I gained so many skills and information by going to different departments and i believe you wont get the most out of your placement experience if you stay on the ward for the whole time.
5) start becoming a nurse - this is mainly for first year student nurses. Dont do things which are beyond your limits or scope of course especially giving IV medication or procedures which can harm the patient but dont be afraid to give handover or start writing nursing notes with permission of your mentor or another nurse. Some people spend the whole of first year doing personal care which is important but you dont need to spend a whole year focusing on that. You can start giving handover or practising basic nursing skills at the middle or end of your first and second placement when you are confident and have gotten comfortable with staff. ALWAYS ASK PERMISSION FROM YOUR MENTOR OR ANOTHER NURSE!!
6) take care of yourself - physically, mentally and emotionally. placement is hard but its even harder when you are not taking care of yourself. learn how to rest and calm down amidst the chaos. If you have a busy shift make sure to sit for 3 -5 minute every few hours just to recenter yourself.
I'm happy to answer all your questions about nursing placements, university facilities at City or anything else here.