Hi there everyone, anyone else applying for nursing at qub finding the wait to hear back hard? I got an email yesterday and was so excited 😆 then realised it was just to say that confirmation would be sent by 18 May!! I’ve applied for LD Bsc. This is my only choice, I hope I get a place.
Hi there everyone, anyone else applying for nursing at qub finding the wait to hear back hard? I got an email yesterday and was so excited 😆 then realised it was just to say that confirmation would be sent by 18 May!! I’ve applied for LD Bsc. This is my only choice, I hope I get a place.
I got my offer for Queen's adult nursing today Hope you get your offer!
Don’t give up hope, I had a friend 2 years ago who was initially not offered a place by cutoff but was then offered a place afterwards. The courses are so competitive that often there are many who although would make fantastic nurses miss out due to the sheer volume of applicants. Best of luck 🤞