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Edexcel GCSE History Paper 1 (1HI0 10-13) - 18th May 2023 [Exam Chat]


How did the Edexcel GCSE History Paper 1 go for you?

Edexcel GCSE History Paper 1 (1HI0 10-13) - 18th May 2023 [Exam Chat]

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Wishing you all the best of luck. :yy:

General Information
Date/Time: 18th May 2023 - Morning
Length: 1 hour 15 mins

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Well done everyone :smile:
(edited 1 year ago)

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This thread is for the Thematic study and historical environment unit, including any of the following :

Crime and punishment in Britain, c1000–present and Whitechapel, c1870–c1900: crime, policing and the inner city.

Medicine in Britain, c1250–present and The British sector of the Western Front, 1914–18: injuries, treatment and the trenches.

Warfare and British society, c1250–present and London and the Second World War, 1939–45.

Migrants in Britain, c800–present and Notting Hill, c1948–c1970.
(edited 1 year ago)
Reply 2
hey!! (this is my first time on this forum helloo ☺️)

does anyone know any possible questions for the history papers? i do crime and punishment (whitechapel), anglo-saxon + norman england and cold war, then weimar germany

im mainly interested in crime and punishment because i havent seen many other people here do it and was wondering if anyone had any ideas as to what topics we should mainly be focusing on? thanks so much!
I'm not taking those topics in history but I suggest doing past papers/questions. If you find any topic harder than another. A good place is revisely if you havent heard already
Reply 4
Hey i think these topics may come out for crime and punishment:
Crime and Punishment
Whitechapel violence/tension/immigration
Whitechapel policing system
Law enforcement (Medieval and or Industrial with Peel and the Metropolitan police)
Crimes in the Early Modern Period
Idea of Rehabilitation (1800 onwards)
Here is what I think will come up:

Whitechapel 4 marker- immigration, political beliefs
Crime and punishment 12 marker- Setup of the met Police, Church courts, Norman England law enforcement, Highway robbery, vagabondage maybe?
Crime and punishment 16 marker- Highway robbery, poaching, setup of police, prison systems

I have about 95% certainity that for the 12 marker it will not be on 1900-present because that was what it was for last year and a few years before that
Last year's questions were:
- H Division
- sources based on workhouses
- Changes in prisons
- transportation vs bloody code 16 marker
- retribution vs other purposes of punishment 16 marker

Of course these are just predictions, based on gut feeling!
(edited 1 year ago)
Reply 6
I agree , i feel like those topics will come up, or they will try and trick us and add the same kind of topics
Reply 7
Original post by Trickia
I'm not taking those topics in history but I suggest doing past papers/questions. If you find any topic harder than another. A good place is revisely if you havent heard already

I agree! I definitely am going to start doing some practice questions and structure, I feel that really works for history! Thank you so much for the tips, even if you didn’t take history you still gave advice thats really kind!! :wink:
Reply 8
Original post by adrift0
Hey i think these topics may come out for crime and punishment:
Crime and Punishment
Whitechapel violence/tension/immigration
Whitechapel policing system
Law enforcement (Medieval and or Industrial with Peel and the Metropolitan police)
Crimes in the Early Modern Period
Idea of Rehabilitation (1800 onwards)

Thank you so so much!! This is really helpful, my teacher has also been going over law enforcement a lot so I feel that may be a definite topic perhaps :tongue: this is really useful, i wish you all the luck for history!!!
Reply 9
Original post by kitty15
Here is what I think will come up:

Whitechapel 4 marker- immigration, political beliefs
Crime and punishment 12 marker- Setup of the met Police, Church courts, Norman England law enforcement, Highway robbery, vagabondage maybe?
Crime and punishment 16 marker- Highway robbery, poaching, setup of police, prison systems

I have about 95% certainity that for the 12 marker it will not be on 1900-present because that was what it was for last year and a few years before that
Last year's questions were:
- H Division
- sources based on workhouses
- Changes in prisons
- transportation vs bloody code 16 marker
- retribution vs other purposes of punishment 16 marker

Of course these are just predictions, based on gut feeling!

Thank you so so much!! These predictions seem very thoughtful, hopefully this years paper will be nice, I wish you all the luck for your history exam!!! :tongue:
Original post by adrift0
I agree , i feel like those topics will come up, or they will try and trick us and add the same kind of topics

I hope not, that’s what I worry about :frown: but I’m just going to prioritise the topics that are more likely to come up and hope for the best lol :tongue: I’ll also glance over other topics just to be safe!!
any predicted questions for this year?
What came up in Crime and Punishment 2022?
Original post by angelli
I agree! I definitely am going to start doing some practice questions and structure, I feel that really works for history! Thank you so much for the tips, even if you didn’t take history you still gave advice thats really kind

Your welcome
You should definitely plan out the structure my history teacher has been going no stop abt it. It definitely helps with organizing ideas
hii! i do medicine. what is anyone else doing?:smile:
I am doomed I am doing warfare
there are very little predication abt history paper.
i have a feeling for medicine through time the 12 marker will be medieval as my teacher said it hasn’t come up yet
Any predictions for Crime and Punishment?
Reply 19
Does anyone have predictions for USA (The USA, 1954–75) and for Germany (Weimar and Nazi Germany, 1918–39)? I would really appreciate it!

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