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AQA A-level Psychology Paper 1 (7182/1) - 19th May 2023 [Exam Chat]


How did your AQA A-level Psychology Maths Paper 1 exam go?

AQA A-level Psychology Paper 1 (7182/1) - 19th May 2023 [Exam Chat]

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Wishing you all the best of luck. :yy:

General Information
Date/Time: 19th May 2023/ AM
Length: 2hr

AQA A-level Psychology

Congratulations on finishing your exam :smile:
(edited 1 year ago)

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Reply 1
Hi guys. Im revising for psychology but it would be helpful if u guys had any suggestions on what could come up this year? Thanks
No advanced information this year. I don't think anybody knows beyond just guessing. :redface:
Flipping psychology on YouTube have some good tips
Reply 4
Does anyone know if they could ask a 16 or 8 marker solely on Asch's variations? If so does anyone have an example essay or essay plan? I have no idea what i would put for AO3.
for a 16 marker my plan is im gonna write about a01 group size pressure to conform with percentages and a03 about it being unrealistic bc participants suspected the confederates colluding, a01social support reduces conformity with percentages a03 culture gender bias sample where you cant know how others would respond, a01 task difficulty with Jeness study as your a03 so you could try that :smile: theres some full essay plans on tutor2u though if you can find them!
(edited 1 year ago)
Reply 6
Original post by s.c.a.r.l.e.t.t
for a 16 marker my plan is im gonna write about a01 group size pressure to conform with percentages and a03 about it being unrealistic bc participants suspected the confederates colluding, a01social support reduces conformity with percentages a03 culture gender bias sample where you cant know how others would respond, a01 task difficulty with Jeness study as your a03 so you could try that :smile: theres some full essay plans on tutor2u though if you can find them!

Thank you so much!! This is so helpful :smile:
we were given a 16 marker about this, but idk which year is it from. 'outline and evaluate research into factors affecting conformity.(16)'
the plan is:
AO1- who was research conducted by?, how many trials and what are the findings?, og procedure brief overview, change in procedure (task diff, group size, unanimity) and state their findings.
AO3- since its RESEARCH use GRAVEE
1) lab based research high control and all that stuff
2) sample issues gender n culture bias
3)ethical issues of deception

there is also an 8 marker about sth similar to this in the aqa AS june 2016 paper
I've made this the official thread for AQA A-level psychology paper 1 :smile: Good luck, everyone!
Does anyone have any idea how strict the grade boundaries will be? I heard they will be closest to 2019 which was 72%. for an A*
Tips for time management?? currently i'm about 10 marks off an A just because i end up running out of time and barely completing any of the last section of each exam, even though i know the answers. All i've been told so far is that i need to speed up but a 16 marker with 3 evaluation points is taking me nearly 30 minutes to get done and i feel like i would lose too many marks if i were to only do two a03s. I've practiced a lot but I don't feel like i can physically write any quicker and get all the other questions done so if anyone has any tips please lmk :smile:
Original post by s.c.a.r.l.e.t.t
Tips for time management?? currently i'm about 10 marks off an A just because i end up running out of time and barely completing any of the last section of each exam, even though i know the answers. All i've been told so far is that i need to speed up but a 16 marker with 3 evaluation points is taking me nearly 30 minutes to get done and i feel like i would lose too many marks if i were to only do two a03s. I've practiced a lot but I don't feel like i can physically write any quicker and get all the other questions done so if anyone has any tips please lmk :smile:

A03 isnt quantity its quality - you can get full marks with one good para.
look it up
Original post by Psychpsych001
Flipping psychology on YouTube have some good tips

I was comparing his paper 1 predictions to the 2022 paper and all the topics he predicted came up. So I will be using his predictions for this year and I’m just gonna pray that they come up.
Original post by s.c.a.r.l.e.t.t
Tips for time management?? currently i'm about 10 marks off an A just because i end up running out of time and barely completing any of the last section of each exam, even though i know the answers. All i've been told so far is that i need to speed up but a 16 marker with 3 evaluation points is taking me nearly 30 minutes to get done and i feel like i would lose too many marks if i were to only do two a03s. I've practiced a lot but I don't feel like i can physically write any quicker and get all the other questions done so if anyone has any tips please lmk :smile:

a section should take approx 30mins or maybe less for sections lacking 16 markers
I be writing 3 evals sometimes n getting same mark by only writing 2 evals as well.
Do consider writing faster by loading ur pen with idk some batteries or sth to add weight it did work for my friend. 4 markers and 8 markers shouldnt take much time if ur focus is on the question it should be quite straightforward. If u find a 16 marker takin so much time ull have to move on to the next section. If u r reallllyyy running out of time just find the highest marks question say a 16 marker and do just the evals if u got no time for ao1.
Hey everyone, just to let you know I've merged a couple of threads together as they were both discussions of the same exam :smile: Best of luck!
Reply 15
Has anyone got any exemplar 16 marker essays?
try SMCARTLEDGE on youtube he has some :smile:
Any bets for paper 1 topics?
Original post by s.c.a.r.l.e.t.t
Tips for time management?? currently i'm about 10 marks off an A just because i end up running out of time and barely completing any of the last section of each exam, even though i know the answers. All i've been told so far is that i need to speed up but a 16 marker with 3 evaluation points is taking me nearly 30 minutes to get done and i feel like i would lose too many marks if i were to only do two a03s. I've practiced a lot but I don't feel like i can physically write any quicker and get all the other questions done so if anyone has any tips please lmk :smile:

I had this issue, I just did the long answer questions first before doing the short answers as they shouldn’t take that long as others on this thread have said😁
hi guys u should defo all follow up psychology with rhi and a level psychology tutor on tiktok they show all the 8/16 markers that haven’t come up as well and flipping psychology is good as well. How many 16 markers do ppl think will come up?

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