Hi, I want to study law at Cambridge and am starting Sixth Form this September. I chose History, Law and Psychology. But I'm not sure that these would be good enough or fit with the subject requirements. + I do Textiles as a fun subject that I also enjoyed a lot during GCSEs.
What do you think? Are these good or should I change some of them?
That mix seems OK. Are they your strongest subjects? You will need at least A*AA for Cambridge (probably higher) so make sure you are selecting subjects you will excel in.
Hey, I am currently a law student at Cambridge and I'd say that mix looks good. Repeating what has been said above, pick subjects you think you can excel in and those you enjoy as that will make motivation much easier. Cambridge law don't seem to be too fussed about what subjects you do, you have essay subjects in there which puts you in a good position so I would say they're all good!
Yeah, thank you. I have already done History and Textiles GCSE and I'm pretty good. Psychology is new to me but it seems interesting so I think I will do well
Hey, I am currently a law student at Cambridge and I'd say that mix looks good. Repeating what has been said above, pick subjects you think you can excel in and those you enjoy as that will make motivation much easier. Cambridge law don't seem to be too fussed about what subjects you do, you have essay subjects in there which puts you in a good position so I would say they're all good!
What A-Levels did you do and also what were your grades?