The Student Room Group
Original post by Mishaaaa
I’m currently trying to write a personal statement for uni and I’m hoping to study Forensic Psychology but I have a bit of an issue. I haven’t studied A level psychology and although the unis I’m applying to don’t require A level psychology, I feel like I have nothing to talk about. If it helps I do A level sociology, criminology and English lit & Lang (I also did AS law)😭😭

Why do you want to study Forensic Psychology? What interests you about it? What have you done to further your understanding of it (given that you don't study A level Psychology)? Have you ready any books, read any journal articles, listened to any blogs, watched any documentaries? If so, what did you learn? What particular things did you find interesting? Did you follow-up on those interests to delve deeper into those particular topics? Are there any aspects of the Sociology or Criminology you've studied that you feel might be relevant to Forensic Psychology? Why?

All of the above would be relevant in a Personal Statement.

Other things which might be of interest:
The Personal Statement Resource Hub and FAQs thread, here.
TSR's library of example personal statements (for inspiration, not plagiarism!); the Psychology ones are here.
The free TSR Personal Statement Review Service (details here) - for when you have your final draft ready.
Hey drop me an email [email protected] and I can get you started? I am currently studying forensic psych at Birmingham.