The Student Room Group

University Timetable

Uhm so I was looking through student reviews of this University and I realised that there was no lunch break section like you have in secondary school's timetables.

This may be a silly question but are there no Lunch breaks?

If you want to have your lunch would you have to have it in a free period?

(Because typically it 1:20pm-2pm for Lunch and then period 5 2pm-3pm.I guess at University you don't have something like that?)

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Reply 1
No you don't tend to have defined periods. It is not school and provisions are not made as they are in school. You're an adult and are expected to sort your own time, food, etc

Generally things can happen between 8am and 6pm and for most courses you'll only see a few hours occupied per day.
(edited 1 year ago)
Yeah that's fine.
Just wanted to double check,since I rather make my own lunch.I guess when I get my timetable I'll work out if I have enough time to either eat in a free time shots or if it a full day,eat more for breakfast before heading to the first class.
Original post by gjd800
No you don't tend to have defined periods. It is not school and provisions are not made as they are in school. You're an adult and are expected to sort your own time, food, etc

Generally things can happen between 8am and 6pm and for most courses you'll only see a few hours occupied per day.

Yeah that's fine.

Just wanted to double check,since I rather make my own lunch.I guess when I get my timetable I'll work out if I have enough time to either eat in a free time shots or if it a full day,eat more for breakfast before heading to the first class.
Original post by Anonymous
Yeah that's fine.

Just wanted to double check,since I rather make my own lunch.I guess when I get my timetable I'll work out if I have enough time to either eat in a free time shots or if it a full day,eat more for breakfast before heading to the first class.


Just wanted to reassure you that you will most likely have much less hours of classes than what you had at school :biggrin:
You'll probably have enough time between classes to have a lunch as lectures do often have 1-2 hour gaps between them.

And yes, as you are an adult now, you have the full freedom to decide whether to eat in your free time slots, or eat more for breakfast :smile:

Let me know if you have any more questions!

- Ilya :cool:
(edited 1 year ago)

Do check out the eating places at your university when you start for those days when you might not have time to prepare lunch beforehand. It always worth knowing what kind of food they sell on campus, the prices and where they sell hot food.

You might also like to find out if there are fridges to store a homemade lunch, where the microwave facilities are and where you can refill a water bottle.

You might have a short break between lectures or a very long one so it's good to prepare ahead especially if you need to print slides, return a library book or go to the post office!

With long lectures, there might be a break halfway through so students can grab a coffee/ stretch their legs, so you might also like to bring some additional snacks with you.

Hope that helps,

Oluwatosin 2nd year student University of Huddersfield
Original post by Anonymous
Uhm so I was looking through student reviews of this University and I realised that there was no lunch break section like you have in secondary school's timetables.

This may be a silly question but are there no Lunch breaks?

If you want to have your lunch would you have to have it in a free period?

(Because typically it 1:20pm-2pm for Lunch and then period 5 2pm-3pm.I guess at University you don't have something like that?)

Hi there,

That is not a silly question because you are not in university yet and may not be familiar with the typical timetable for university courses:smile: In summary, timetables at university tends to be more flexible with varying classes length and different time periods for break on days when there are classes scheduled.

From my personal experience, when I got a full day of classes, there tended to be a break at midday typically between 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. which could be considered as "lunch break". Even when on the timetable there was no break during the whole day of classes, tutors would give us at least half an hour in between to sort out lunch. I usually just grab something from the cafeteria on campus, but there are microwaves available for heating up the meal people brought in the teaching building where I spent most of my time. There are occasions where I got a class at midday during this typical lunch break but I just have a big breakfast and grab some lunch after the class ended.

Hope this helps answer the doubt you have,

(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by Anonymous
Uhm so I was looking through student reviews of this University and I realised that there was no lunch break section like you have in secondary school's timetables.

This may be a silly question but are there no Lunch breaks?

If you want to have your lunch would you have to have it in a free period?

(Because typically it 1:20pm-2pm for Lunch and then period 5 2pm-3pm.I guess at University you don't have something like that?)

Hi there,

Current Cardiff uni student here:smile:

The structure of a day at uni is generally much different to school. You have more independence and less of a structured timetable - there is more of a focus on self-study rather than classes so it's up to you to manage your time around classes.

I hope this makes sense, please feel free to let me know if you have any questions

All the best,
Jaz - Cardiff student rep
Reply 8
Original post by gjd800
No you don't tend to have defined periods. It is not school and provisions are not made as they are in school. You're an adult and are expected to sort your own time, food, etc

Generally things can happen between 8am and 6pm and for most courses you'll only see a few hours occupied per day.

Reply 9
Original post by Udiffiti

Another opinionated, thin-skinned moron, I see.
Do unis get easter holidays?
Reply 11
Original post by gjd800
Another opinionated, thin-skinned moron, I see.
Who hurt you? 🤣
Reply 12
Original post by Anonymous #2
Do unis get easter holidays?
Yes. I’m pretty sure most uni’s follow the same holiday times as schools.
Original post by Bo77 Tman
Who hurt you? 🤣

Always nice to see the author of multiple threads on the topic of “Stinkiest University town/city” weighing in.
Reply 14
Original post by Bo77 Tman
Who hurt you? 🤣
Your ma
Reply 15
Original post by Anonymous #2
Do unis get easter holidays?

There's normally a break for Easter, but I have seen this be as short as four days -- literally Good Friday, Saturday, Easter Sunday and the bank holiday Monday.

So, don't make assumptions -- check the dates for the university you're attending (or planning to attend).
Reply 16
Original post by Admit-One
Always nice to see the author of multiple threads on the topic of “Stinkiest University town/city” weighing in.
That’s a valid question/topic no?
It’s a shame no one has responded yet…
Original post by Anonymous
Do unis get easter holidays?

Yes. It can vary although in general this tends to be a longer holiday period (often about a month). Also most courses at most unis don't have many if any timetabled activities in the summer term after the Easter holidays except for exams.
Reply 18
Original post by artful_lounger
Yes. It can vary although in general this tends to be a longer holiday period (often about a month). Also most courses at most unis don't have many if any timetabled activities in the summer term after the Easter holidays except for exams.
Aren’t most uni exams in late May? Just before the A level exam period? Then there is a longer summer break.
Original post by Anonymous
Do unis get easter holidays?

It depends on the uni and the course. My DD gets four days as she is on placement on a healthcare course. My DS gets four weeks.

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