The Student Room Group
Original post by A_Kaur15
Can u go abroad to study medicine with just Btec level 3 extended diploma and do they have any entrance exams?

Entrance exam - UCAT
For example Australia

‘BTEC Diplomas are not accepted by Australian medical schools as being suitable for entry)’
What subjects are you taking
(edited 1 year ago)
Reply 2
Original post by BankaiGintoki
Entrance exam - UCAT
For example Australia

‘BTEC Diplomas are not accepted by Aui stralian medical schools as being suitable for entry)’
What subjects are you taking

I am taking btec level 3 extended diploma in biology chemistry and physics and predicted D*D*D
Original post by A_Kaur15
I am taking btec level 3 extended diploma in biology chemistry and physics and predicted D*D*D

All medical schools wont accept 3 BTEC’s, That is in the UK…
There is hope
(edited 1 year ago)
Reply 4
Original post by BankaiGintoki
Entrance exam - UCAT
For example Australia

‘BTEC Diplomas are not accepted by Australian medical schools as being suitable for entry)’
What subjects are you taking

I'm taking biology, chemistry and physics