I'm currently in IB1 and I'm doing Maths AA, Physics and English LangLit HL and Chemistry, History and Spanish B SL. I'm hoping to get into Mechanical Engineering or Physics/Astrophysics at a top university either in the US or UK. I'm taking English at HL to hopefully keep some options open in case I change my mind.
However I'm starting to doubt my choices. History SL is already a lot of work, teachers make us note take and research in our time for things that will presumably be on the exam. I'm thinking about switching History to Econ SL, or even putting English to SL to do Econ HL. This would strengthen my science-based subjects but still keep some doors open for degrees, and also be way less work. However if Econ HL were to be more work, study and more difficult than English HL then I wouldn't do it. The same goes for History, if History SL is easier and less work than Econ SL then I would just stick with History.
What should I do?