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Brunel MSc Psychological Sciences conversion course

I've just applied for an MSc in psychological sciences at Brunel (online). I will be doing this full-time. Would be great to hear other people's experiences of the course or if you are applying this round.
(edited 1 year ago)

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Reply 1
I am just applying today. Hoping to hear some responses too.
Whats your educational/career background?
Reply 2
Good luck with the application! I am a public health scientist. Excited to start in January
Reply 3
Original post by Tmccue
I am just applying today. Hoping to hear some responses too.
Whats your educational/career background?

Hi, I hope your application went well. I've had my formal unconditional offer but not information since about the course or how to pay the fees. Just wondering if you have received any info from brunel?
Reply 4
Original post by Camb_girl
Hi, I hope your application went well. I've had my formal unconditional offer but not information since about the course or how to pay the fees. Just wondering if you have received any info from brunel?

Hey, yes the application went well. I have my unconditional offer too which I accepted. I did ask about the fees and course content. I was informed we would receive an email a month before we start ( I'm starting January) so should be in December. This will list the information around fees and course content. Are you starting in January too?
Reply 5
Original post by Tmccue
Hey, yes the application went well. I have my unconditional offer too which I accepted. I did ask about the fees and course content. I was informed we would receive an email a month before we start ( I'm starting January) so should be in December. This will list the information around fees and course content. Are you starting in January too?

Thanks very much - i feel a bit more reassured now. Yes, I'm starting in January too :-)
Reply 6
Original post by Camb_girl
Thanks very much - i feel a bit more reassured now. Yes, I'm starting in January too :-)

You're welcome. Ah great. How you feeling about starting?
Reply 7
Original post by Tmccue
You're welcome. Ah great. How you feeling about starting?

I'm mostly excited and looking forward to getting on with it :-) I think it's going to be intense - so hoping I manage OK! Are you planning on doing the conversion full time?
Reply 8
Original post by Camb_girl
I'm mostly excited and looking forward to getting on with it :-) I think it's going to be intense - so hoping I manage OK! Are you planning on doing the conversion full time?

Yes, I am doing the full time course, whilst working full time in the childrens mental health crisis team. Like you, I am looking forward to it but slightly worried I am going to have hardly any free time for the next year, i am already trying to get my mind in to study mode again lol. Are you planning on applying for Dclinpsy after?
Reply 9
Original post by Tmccue
Yes, I am doing the full time course, whilst working full time in the childrens mental health crisis team. Like you, I am looking forward to it but slightly worried I am going to have hardly any free time for the next year, i am already trying to get my mind in to study mode again lol. Are you planning on applying for Dclinpsy after?

Yes, that is certainly one avenue I want to pursue. It sounds like you will have your plate full this year! I am going to start the course and then start volunteering once I figure out the work load. I'm a public health scientist at the moment but stopping work to change career. Funds going to be really tight this year!
Reply 10
Original post by Camb_girl
Yes, that is certainly one avenue I want to pursue. It sounds like you will have your plate full this year! I am going to start the course and then start volunteering once I figure out the work load. I'm a public health scientist at the moment but stopping work to change career. Funds going to be really tight this year!

Ahh, sometimes we need to make a sacrifice for the greater good. I am sure it will pay off eventually. I have thought about giving up work too, but currently have two young children, so thought I'd try and double down. I will review as the course begins, if I'm really struggling. May need to go part time or take on bank work. Also, in my social work degree, I was on a placement 9-5 and still doing alot of assignments so..I am assuming it will feel somewhat the same.

Wishing you all the best. My first name is do look out for me once we start. :-)
Reply 11
Original post by Tmccue
Ahh, sometimes we need to make a sacrifice for the greater good. I am sure it will pay off eventually. I have thought about giving up work too, but currently have two young children, so thought I'd try and double down. I will review as the course begins, if I'm really struggling. May need to go part time or take on bank work. Also, in my social work degree, I was on a placement 9-5 and still doing alot of assignments so..I am assuming it will feel somewhat the same.

Wishing you all the best. My first name is do look out for me once we start. :-)

Sounds like a good idea - hard to gauge how intense the course will be and I can't find much on here from past students I look forward to meeting you on the course :-)
Original post by Camb_girl
I've just applied for an MSc in psychological sciences at Brunel (online). I will be doing this full-time. Would be great to hear other people's experiences of the course or if you are applying this round.

Welcome on board. A current student here from the 2022 intake. The course is fun and not as intense as other mentioned. Teaching staffs are supportive. Instructions are always clear. Let me know if you have any questions through this journey.
Reply 13
Original post by Camb_girl
Sounds like a good idea - hard to gauge how intense the course will be and I can't find much on here from past students I look forward to meeting you on the course :-)

Hiya, did you get the email about the webinar on the 23rd Nov?
Reply 14
Original post by Tmccue
Hiya, did you get the email about the webinar on the 23rd Nov?

Yes, I did! Hoping to be able to join :-)
Reply 15
Original post by roychan
Welcome on board. A current student here from the 2022 intake. The course is fun and not as intense as other mentioned. Teaching staffs are supportive. Instructions are always clear. Let me know if you have any questions through this journey.

Thanks very much! Would welcome any advice from you about whether this course require full time commitment if doing it in one year. I am planning on finishing my job in January to concentrate on my studies but part of me is wondering about taking on a part time job to help with finances.
Reply 16
I thought that the webinar from Brunel was excellent. Really well put together. How did everyone else find it?
Reply 17
Original post by Camb_girl
I thought that the webinar from Brunel was excellent. Really well put together. How did everyone else find it?

Yes, it was a really informative webinar and it answered alot of questions. Has got me a lil bit worried about keeping up along side my full time job, however felt assured that if I need too, I could reduce to part time.
Reply 18
Original post by Tmccue
Yes, it was a really informative webinar and it answered alot of questions. Has got me a lil bit worried about keeping up along side my full time job, however felt assured that if I need too, I could reduce to part time.

Yes, she said it's really common for people to move from full-time to part time for that reason. 30-40 hours a week is quite a lot. I'd like to know the timetable for dates for reading weeks etc so i can plan around children's school holidays etc.
Reply 19
Original post by Camb_girl
Yes, she said it's really common for people to move from full-time to part time for that reason. 30-40 hours a week is quite a lot. I'd like to know the timetable for dates for reading weeks etc so i can plan around children's school holidays etc.

Did you try the taster class? I did it last night. Was interesting.

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