Hi all, just looking at personal experiences with uni halls and overnight guests for 3 or 4 days.
I'm a mature student in my mid 20's and have a long term partner who is similar age and works full time, and I've just started a postgrad degree and live in university halls. So our partying days are over. My halls have very stringent rules, such as:
1. Guests must be signed in by 10pm, or they aren't allowed in.
2. Guests can only stay 2 nights per 7 days
3. Guests must sign on the 2nd day.
4. At night (after nights out), they make each person 'fob in' at the gate - I've never seen something like this before.
Now I've lived in accommodation before (private halls) and the rules were so lax, people just came in whenever they wanted - and we assumed it would be relaxed here too.
My partner lives a good 5 hour drive away, and this means if he left after work on Friday, he'd arrive close to 9/10PM (even longer in traffic) and would need to leave Sunday evening - so we only really get a day together. Transport costs are pushing close to £100 too. There is barely any parking, so even longer if he decided to get here via train.
I'm just wondering what my options are, he would want to stay for 3/4 nights per month vs the 2 night per 7 days rule. My flatmates are fine for him to stay over for a week.
Is it worth sneaking him in over the weekend? Although I've only known my flatmates for a few weeks, we get along really well - I doubt someone would rat him out.
Someone suggested I give him a copy of my fob. Would the accommodation team apply some leniency to the 2 night rule if I was to email them?
The uni accommodation has several buildings, but there is one main gate to enter/exit and it faces a reception window (almost like a drive-thru window)
I've never stayed in university owned halls before, so it was a genuine surprise about the rules. My partner the same, so the rules caught us off guard and have put a spanner in the works. It has stressed us out a bit. I'll definitely be looking into a private uni house share next year.
Appreciate any advice.