The Student Room Group

University of EXETER accomodation

Hello everyone going to the University of Exeter.

I will be going to this university in september, but I have not secured any accomodation yet. I will be taking Computer Science for 4 years. Instead of going and flicking through expensive university accomodation I was looking instead at house rentals which could come out to be a lot cheaper if I rent alongside 2 or 3 others.

I am looking for potential roomates who will pay rent alongside me. Please contact me through student room if you are interested.

Thank you!
Is this for September 2024??
Reply 2
Original post by guyhjbknm,
Hello everyone going to the University of Exeter.

I will be going to this university in september, but I have not secured any accomodation yet. I will be taking Computer Science for 4 years. Instead of going and flicking through expensive university accomodation I was looking instead at house rentals which could come out to be a lot cheaper if I rent alongside 2 or 3 others.

I am looking for potential roomates who will pay rent alongside me. Please contact me through student room if you are interested.

Thank you!

I have a place if you are interested, message me!
Reply 3
Have you compared the price of private student rentals vs university halls ?

Given that private rental agreements are usually for 48 to 52 weeks, plus you have to pay utility bills on top; you may find it's cheaper to live in halls in 1st year.

I've just signed my rental agreement in Exeter for 2nd year and it's going to end up being more than my current Hall bill (Birks Grange, Self Catered).
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by dunnott
Have you compared the price of private student rentals vs university halls ?

Given that private rental agreements are usually for 48 to 52 weeks, plus you have to pay utility bills on top; you may find it's cheaper to live in halls in 1st year.

I've just signed my rental agreement in Exeter for 2nd year and it's going to end up being more than my current Hall bill (Birks Grange, Self Catered).

How was your experience in Birks Grange? Is the place really old? and how far away is it from city centre?
Reply 5
Original post by Malsa Mujuthaba
How was your experience in Birks Grange? Is the place really old? and how far away is it from city centre?

Personally I prefer the other side of campus as you avoid the steep hill.
Reply 6
Original post by Malsa Mujuthaba
How was your experience in Birks Grange? Is the place really old? and how far away is it from city centre?

Really enjoying it thanks.

Relatively new accommodation blocks - I'm in a self catered flat of 8, with a ensuite room - there's a kitchen/living area with more than enough space for all of us, and 2 each of fridges, freezers and cookers.

It's also relatively quiet in the evenings/overnight so sleep is good - something some of my friends in Lafrowda can't say.

It's a 20 minute walk into the town centre and a 10 minutes walk to Spoons (local pub) - because we're at the bottom of the university campus hill already, it's a flat walk too

The one initial downside was having to walk up cardiac hill every day to get to classes - however, after a while you don't notice it + it's good for fitness.

It wasn't my first choice - East Park and Lafrowda were - but just like Exeter wasn't my first choice (that was Durham) I'm happy I ended up here
Original post by dunnott
Really enjoying it thanks.

Relatively new accommodation blocks - I'm in a self catered flat of 8, with a ensuite room - there's a kitchen/living area with more than enough space for all of us, and 2 each of fridges, freezers and cookers.

It's also relatively quiet in the evenings/overnight so sleep is good - something some of my friends in Lafrowda can't say.

It's a 20 minute walk into the town centre and a 10 minutes walk to Spoons (local pub) - because we're at the bottom of the university campus hill already, it's a flat walk too

The one initial downside was having to walk up cardiac hill every day to get to classes - however, after a while you don't notice it + it's good for fitness.

It wasn't my first choice - East Park and Lafrowda were - but just like Exeter wasn't my first choice (that was Durham) I'm happy I ended up here

Thanks for sharing these info! I'm worried about climbing up the cardiac hill, hoping I'll also get used it soon.
Reply 8
Original post by guyhjbknm,
Hello everyone going to the University of Exeter.

I will be going to this university in september, but I have not secured any accomodation yet. I will be taking Computer Science for 4 years. Instead of going and flicking through expensive university accomodation I was looking instead at house rentals which could come out to be a lot cheaper if I rent alongside 2 or 3 others.

I am looking for potential roomates who will pay rent alongside me. Please contact me through student room if you are interested.

Thank you!

Never though of this until now but I am open to the idea now so just let me know how this would work and what i would need on my side.
Reply 9
Original post by dunnott
Really enjoying it thanks.
Relatively new accommodation blocks - I'm in a self catered flat of 8, with a ensuite room - there's a kitchen/living area with more than enough space for all of us, and 2 each of fridges, freezers and cookers.
It's also relatively quiet in the evenings/overnight so sleep is good - something some of my friends in Lafrowda can't say.
It's a 20 minute walk into the town centre and a 10 minutes walk to Spoons (local pub) - because we're at the bottom of the university campus hill already, it's a flat walk too
The one initial downside was having to walk up cardiac hill every day to get to classes - however, after a while you don't notice it + it's good for fitness.
It wasn't my first choice - East Park and Lafrowda were - but just like Exeter wasn't my first choice (that was Durham) I'm happy I ended up here

im stuck between firming exeter and durham, if you went back now which ywould you pick and how did you choose

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