Thanks for coming back here and helping others.
"One huge question is whether you enjoy office work or not"
Unfortunately I have never done any, but I think so.
I somehow missed some of your previous message last time, I found the sherpa courses which have been renamed to theforage, going to start them tommorrow, there are quite a few ccounting, even including an auditing one by KPMG, one of the few companies I saw offering a position here recently. Sadly I was still too low a level for it (no A-level credit atm), at least I can bring up in a future interview that I enjoyed a simulation.. which I hope I will soon, hopefully it will at least let me know if I like office work!
"With law (not that I know a lot about it) its worth looking into different career paths to see if some appeal but not others. Working in probate/ conveyancing in a country town is likely to be very different to criminal law and again to silver circle type city law"
Good point, I am veering away heavily from law, but will still do some research on wages/ease of entering and job requirements for the couple of areas I was interested in.
"I struggle to imagine that there is any city in the UK without a few accounts apprenticeship schemes."
"I guess the equivalent for people outside of schools is to ask for a couple of days of shadowing. That being said this doesn't seem to be as common as it used to be."
I aim to stay in my city for at least another year or 2, I suppose that I will just have to make myself look to be a better candidate. I will phone up a few companies that I know have historically advertised apprenticeships and ask what would make me stand out as a potential candidate.
Let's assume atm, I forget about law and any open uni route. (very likely) Im prepared to get the level 4 AAT in hopefully a year, while stuyding math A levels again if I have to and then apply for the level 3 and 4 apprenticeships, hopefully I will have a good chance of level 3 then, I will be quite overquallified. However perhaps I should forget the A levels and volunteer somewhere too for a couple days? Is there actually any point to that, I suppose after I complete level 2 AAT I can get a low level postion, but If I am planning on the apprenticeship route anyway then the value of a voluntary low level position for experience is probably a waste compared to getting an A in futher maths as a private learner which I am confident in.
One last question and I should be good thanks! Have heard from a few Americans that auditing is a really good entry point into accounting, would you agree? KPMG is recruiting nationaly for that regularly, after I get better qualifications, it could potentially be perfect to aim for!