The Student Room Group

psychology without science subjects or math?

Hi,I’m in grade 11 and i realized i really want to study psychology . I have no science subjects and i have math core level which mean i can’t take math in grade 12, at first i wanted to study Law,that’s why i don’t have any science subjects or higher level math because it’s not a requirement.
Are there any universities that would accept me with no sciences or math but only with grade 11 marks?
Do some maybe accept bridging courses for bio?
I do pretty good in the current subjects i have and i will continue on to grade 12 with them.
I just want to know if i still have a chance of studying psychology..
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by vavavavahu
Hi,I’m in grade 11 and i realized i really want to study phycology. I have no science subjects and i have math core level which mean i can’t take math in grade 12, at first i wanted to study Law,that’s why i don’t have any science subjects or higher level math because it’s not a requirement.
Are there any universities that would accept me with no sciences or math but only with grade 11 marks?
I do pretty good in the current subjects i have and i will continue on to grade 12 with them.
I just want to know if there’s still a chance i could study phycology..

It happens sometimes - you only discover your passion later down the life.
It's great that you have an interest in phycology (algology) - algae and aquatic ecosystems are a fascinating area of science. Most universities require you to have taken one or two sciences if you want to do a Biology or Biosciences degree (which can include a phycology module). However, some universities do offer foundation year degrees - where you do not need to have specific A-levels!

(In case you misspelled psychology (as that is how I read it the first time haha), there are a plenty of universities that offer great Psychology courses with no requirement for sciences/maths. At Lancaster University, they only ask for a Maths GCSE grade, but there are no specific A-level subject requirements :smile:.

Hope this helps,
Polina (LU Student Ambassador)
Reply 2
Original post by Lancaster Student Ambassador
It happens sometimes - you only discover your passion later down the life.
It's great that you have an interest in phycology (algology) - algae and aquatic ecosystems are a fascinating area of science. Most universities require you to have taken one or two sciences if you want to do a Biology or Biosciences degree (which can include a phycology module). However, some universities do offer foundation year degrees - where you do not need to have specific A-levels!

(In case you misspelled psychology (as that is how I read it the first time haha), there are a plenty of universities that offer great Psychology courses with no requirement for sciences/maths. At Lancaster University, they only ask for a Maths GCSE grade, but there are no specific A-level subject requirements :smile:.

Hope this helps,
Polina (LU Student Ambassador)

Thank you for you reply, so at Lancaster university for psychology,Math core level GCSE grade is acceptable?
(edited 1 year ago)
Just be aware that at degree level, Psych is a science subject. Yes, some Unis may only want A level Psych, but the point is that if you don't have a 'science head' then you probably wont enjoy 3 years of Psych degree study.

Have a look at joint subject degrees that may be more social-science focussed - examples :
Psychology with Education -
Criminology and Psychology -
Psychology and Sociology -
Marketing with Psychology -

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