The Student Room Group

Foundation Year A104 student here!! Feel free to ask any questions

Hello, I am an undergraduate studying Medicine through a foundation (6-year) course at the University of Manchester.
I also applied and had interviews at Dundee and UEA for their foundation courses.
I did no science-A levels, I did History, French and Psychology

If you have ANY questions please do ask them, I wish I had someone in my place when I was applying last year. My stats, if you're curious are below

Predicted: A*A*A*
Got: A*A*A
GCSE: 9988777765 (7 in bio, 6 in chem, 5 in physics- eek!)
UCAT: 2750 B2
Applied and got interviews to: Manchester, UEA, Dundee
Offers from All
Chose Manchester (the only one I really wanted to go to).
Original post by adamdodda3
Hello, I am an undergraduate studying Medicine through a foundation (6-year) course at the University of Manchester.
I also applied and had interviews at Dundee and UEA for their foundation courses.
I did no science-A levels, I did History, French and Psychology

If you have ANY questions please do ask them, I wish I had someone in my place when I was applying last year. My stats, if you're curious are below

Predicted: A*A*A*
Got: A*A*A
GCSE: 9988777765 (7 in bio, 6 in chem, 5 in physics- eek!)
UCAT: 2750 B2
Applied and got interviews to: Manchester, UEA, Dundee
Offers from All
Chose Manchester (the only one I really wanted to go to).

When they asked you in interviews why you did not pick biology, what was your answer? :smile: just wondering because i messed up by not picking bio!!!
Original post by adamdodda3
Hello, I am an undergraduate studying Medicine through a foundation (6-year) course at the University of Manchester.
I also applied and had interviews at Dundee and UEA for their foundation courses.
I did no science-A levels, I did History, French and Psychology

If you have ANY questions please do ask them, I wish I had someone in my place when I was applying last year. My stats, if you're curious are below

Predicted: A*A*A*
Got: A*A*A
GCSE: 9988777765 (7 in bio, 6 in chem, 5 in physics- eek!)
UCAT: 2750 B2
Applied and got interviews to: Manchester, UEA, Dundee
Offers from All
Chose Manchester (the only one I really wanted to go to).

How did u revise for history?
Original post by adamdodda3
Hello, I am an undergraduate studying Medicine through a foundation (6-year) course at the University of Manchester.
I also applied and had interviews at Dundee and UEA for their foundation courses.
I did no science-A levels, I did History, French and Psychology
If you have ANY questions please do ask them, I wish I had someone in my place when I was applying last year. My stats, if you're curious are below
Predicted: A*A*A*
Got: A*A*A
GCSE: 9988777765 (7 in bio, 6 in chem, 5 in physics- eek!)
UCAT: 2750 B2
Applied and got interviews to: Manchester, UEA, Dundee
Offers from All
Chose Manchester (the only one I really wanted to go to).

Hello Adam! I am keen on applying to medicine aswel.

My current stats are:
A*A*A* (predicted) in history, philosophy and politics

I want to inquire about UEA and Dundee. How do i apply to these? THe entry requirements look heavily limiting and it seems like you need to live in the area.
Original post by adamdodda3
Hello, I am an undergraduate studying Medicine through a foundation (6-year) course at the University of Manchester.
I also applied and had interviews at Dundee and UEA for their foundation courses.
I did no science-A levels, I did History, French and Psychology
If you have ANY questions please do ask them, I wish I had someone in my place when I was applying last year. My stats, if you're curious are below
Predicted: A*A*A*
Got: A*A*A
GCSE: 9988777765 (7 in bio, 6 in chem, 5 in physics- eek!)
UCAT: 2750 B2
Applied and got interviews to: Manchester, UEA, Dundee
Offers from All
Chose Manchester (the only one I really wanted to go to).

thats so amazing good job!!!

can you please help me by lmk what kind of questions they asked in the interview for UEA
Hi. Could I know if MMI foundation interview questions are similar to Standard course questions?

Also, how do you think your foundation year has prepared you so far?

(If you do get SFE) Do you get SFE for your foundation year?

How often are you in class/lectutures?

How do you think your foundation year relates to/ is similar to your standard year course?

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