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Imperial chemical engineering interview 2024

Hi everyone, has anyone gotten their invitation to interview for chemical engineering for 2024? Heard imperial has started sending invitations but I haven’t received anything

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Original post by Anonymous
Hi everyone, has anyone gotten their invitation to interview for chemical engineering for 2024? Heard imperial has started sending invitations but I haven’t received anything

Not sure about your subject specifically, but Imperial has definitely started sending out interview invites for some departments. Heard some Chemistry invites have gone out as well as some Computing (JMC) ones. Don't know about chemical engineering specifically, sorry.
Original post by Anonymous
Hi everyone, has anyone gotten their invitation to interview for chemical engineering for 2024? Heard imperial has started sending invitations but I haven’t received anything

yes, the first set of interviews was 1st november, probably more in december and january i assume
Reply 3
Hi I’ve also applied but I sent my application in on the 6th of November, I haven’t heard back as of yet? Is that normal? Sorry this probably sounds silly but it’s a bit stressful
Original post by -M-M-K-
Hi I’ve also applied but I sent my application in on the 6th of November, I haven’t heard back as of yet? Is that normal? Sorry this probably sounds silly but it’s a bit stressful

You wont hear for a while i got my interview date less than 2 weeks before the actual interview
Reply 5
Original post by Anonymous #2
You wont hear for a while i got my interview date less than 2 weeks before the actual interview

Thanks a lot :smile:
Would you say it’s best to prepare for the interview now? And if so do you or anyones else in the thread know of any resources to prepare for the technical questions?
Original post by Anonymous #1
Hi everyone, has anyone gotten their invitation to interview for chemical engineering for 2024? Heard imperial has started sending invitations but I haven’t received anything

I got an interview for Mechanical Engineering today, so they are slowly giving them out I think
Original post by Anonymous #3
I got an interview for Mechanical Engineering today, so they are slowly giving them out I think

When do u have the interview?
Original post by -M-M-K-
Thanks a lot :smile:
Would you say it’s best to prepare for the interview now? And if so do you or anyones else in the thread know of any resources to prepare for the technical questions?

Yeah i would say prepare now 😭 they asked me questions on stuff i hadnt covered yet.. but i have now was kind of at a disadvantage doing it so earkly icl
Reply 9
Original post by Anonymous #2
Yeah i would say prepare now 😭 they asked me questions on stuff i hadnt covered yet.. but i have now was kind of at a disadvantage doing it so earkly icl

Yeah I’ve been trying to get some Year 1 revision done but it’s been reaaaaallly hectic
Would my application be at a disadvantage if I have predicted 3 A*’s compared to people who have 4 A*’s?
Original post by Anonymous #3
I got an interview for Mechanical Engineering today, so they are slowly giving them out I think

congrats. could you tell us what you got on the admissions test out of 18, please?
has anyone heard back with a decision after their chem eng interview yet?
Original post by Anonymous #6
has anyone heard back with a decision after their chem eng interview yet?

No 😭 they said 2 -3 weeks.. tommorow itll be 3 weeks so maybe tommorow? Did you have yours 1st nov
So would the next set of interviews start in December? And then every month till February?
Original post by Anonymous #5
So would the next set of interviews start in December? And then every month till February?

Probably yeah I’d imagine so
Original post by Anonymous #2
No 😭 they said 2 -3 weeks.. tommorow itll be 3 weeks so maybe tommorow? Did you have yours 1st nov

Yh hopefully they get back to us today
Original post by Anonymous #6
Yh hopefully they get back to us today

Currently refreshing my emails a ton tbh i didnt do that well at interview so 🙃
Reply 18
Original post by Anonymous #2
Currently refreshing my emails a ton tbh i didnt do that well at interview so 🙃

same here, I feel like I butchered the interview but my fingers are crossed. I was expecting a decision today because it would have been 3 weeks since the interview but I guess we should just wait.
Original post by Kaanch
same here, I feel like I butchered the interview but my fingers are crossed. I was expecting a decision today because it would have been 3 weeks since the interview but I guess we should just wait.

Was it really that bad, what kind of questions did they ask if you don’t mind me asking? We’re there any ice breakers or straight into technical questions?

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