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Btec applied science unit 2

Doing a applied science extended diploma and on year one and I need some pointers of things I could add to my unit 2 titration report coursework to leave with a D, tried to ask my teacher but she said she can't help me, I have until the end of the month to hand it in
(edited 1 year ago)
That is not enough for distinction also I suggest do not publish your work on here as if someone’s hands in your work then your work could be plagiarised.
(edited 1 year ago)
i realised i didnt answer your question my advice is first mention the assignment brief write in first person then explain key terminology e.g. titration and colometry and explain what is the purpose of these are and how we are going to use it in our experiment. Then your hypothesis this will mention what you will think will happen (in the titration and colometry experiment) then risk assessment i personally do it in full sentences as its better in the risk assessment mention the hazard and how its a risk. Then move onto the method which you will have to be precise what i remember is that in the titration the first experiment is the colour indication and then the other one is the ph meter and sure to include all the figures. Then results this will include a table for the colour indicating change and then theres another one which is a graph this is more complicated do the graph on graph paper then do conclusion and evaluation will include strength and weaknesses and how the results went what could have effected the results and also you'll have to calculate some things for the titration use YouTube to help

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