The Student Room Group

Where is my car parked during the day? Advice for first car insurance


I am currently looking ant buying my first car as I passed my driving test yesterday. I have been checking out various cars that are local to me and running them through to see how much it will cost to insure them.

My problem is I don't really know how to answer the question "Where is the car parked during the day". I am studying a levels at a post-16 college and so my car will be parked in the private, onsite college car park most days (private because you need a permit to park there). However, I don't know what category that falls under for the insurance.

Does it count as a work car park, a secure car park or an unsecured car park?

Reply 1
Sometimes it's best to contact the insurance company and ask?

It would usually be classed as an 'unsecured car park' because regardless of needing a permit to park there anyone can come in and drive around the car park and park and reverse or drive into your car or anyone else's. 'Most days' is also a 'definition' What do they mean by that? In a week there are 7 days - if college is 3 days out of 7 then 'most days' might be parked for 4 days at home on a driveway or on street? Do they mean 'working days?' which could alter your answer again.

There is usually a definition section at the end of the policy 'terms and conditions' - You might find this online, but ask the insurance company. You will usually find if you have answered all questions as honestly as you can, you can clarify any questions over car park definitions at the time of payment and inception of the insurance.

Good luck finding cheaper insurance. I would still try and avoid black box insurance if you can, it is too much trouble. Try and invest in a dash cam with front and rear camera footage.
Original post by Zoe2426

I am currently looking ant buying my first car as I passed my driving test yesterday. I have been checking out various cars that are local to me and running them through to see how much it will cost to insure them.

My problem is I don't really know how to answer the question "Where is the car parked during the day". I am studying a levels at a post-16 college and so my car will be parked in the private, onsite college car park most days (private because you need a permit to park there). However, I don't know what category that falls under for the insurance.

Does it count as a work car park, a secure car park or an unsecured car park?


Check with the Insurer/ Broker but in terms of normal use of words it's either a 'Work car park' - becasue it;s for the college ,permit only ? barrier to access? or an unsecured car park becasue i doubt it has wall / fence all the way around it .

A secured car park would be one where it's behind meaningful access control measures ( e.g locked in a compound at a place of work or 'inside the wire' at a military base or Prison )

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