Hi! I’ve just applied for my third year in Chancellor’s Wharf!I think that a positive is it’s going to be other third/second year students so hopefully they’ll have settled down a bit, another thing isthat since in town already I’d imagine with pubs and clubs being in such close proximity a lot of things would be moved to those.Also the flats being groups of 9 I think it’ll be unlikely that everyone else in your flat already knows each other since they wouldlikely have gone for a house instead.It may be worth reaching out to Lancaster about a quiet flat if that is something you want to request since there wasn’t anything onthe application form. Another thing to note though is the social areas of each ‘house’, it wouldn’t surprise me if socialisinghappened up there a bit which may move it away from happening in the flats themselves if that makes sense…Yeah I obviously can’t give any like personal info or experience since I haven’t lived there before but hopefully it’s something toease the mind a little and a bit of food for thought!