General run down on how students find Lancaster and if they would recommend the uni vs how they friends/known people find other unis on similar courses.
General run down on how students find Lancaster and if they would recommend the uni vs how they friends/known people find other unis on similar courses.
I can tell you how my 4th year daughter got on. She joined in 2020 covid year. Restrictions were on, but yet they was one of the best unis for putting on a freshers week. Some unis had not even bothered, so they did get a big tick for that, and they still do. from what ive seen the freshers week is always a great one as you celebrate on a college night out plus other activities and nights out.. Theres are also college sports where you have a rival team ie Pendle V Grizedale. Also a varsity between Lancaster and York called Roses. She does physics so her cohort was very sociable. She went on facebook on the freshers page and got chatting to people from there on another platform and they even had college chats. I believe they still do. shes still friends with the physics lot now. Some of her friends have finished Bsc just now, some are carrying on to Masters, but none have dropped out. The level of support they have had for internships was really good and also shes had great support when she did not fair too great in 2nd year (health reasons) and she ended up with a first in 3rd year. Lancaster itself is a smaller city, but thats been perfect for daughter. she did not want to feel too overwhelmed with London and other big cities and everything she needs is right in lancaster. Shes lived in the city 2nd and 3rd year and for 4th year shes going to be at Chancellors wharf. She has other friends which shes met through socialising and is part of the weekly pub quiz team at two pubs lol. there are lots of bars and 3 nightclubs.
She cant speak for friends at similar courses at other unis, her sixth form friends have all gone on to different things. If you like a campus uni, and a city which is not too big, with cheaper prices in accommodation than some other cities, plus lower crime rates than other cities, then Lancaster is for you. if you like a collegiate uni, a uni that feels safe at night and well lit, plus a great woodland walk close by to destress when you need it, then Lancaster is for you. if you want a humongous Library (biggest ive seen on open days), and good student support and lots of societies, then again Lancaster is a good choice.
And she loves lancaster a lot and wants to live there with friends afterwards, so it has had a positive influence on her
General run down on how students find Lancaster and if they would recommend the uni vs how they friends/known people find other unis on similar courses.
Hi @Gabe1201 I have really enjoyed my time at Lancaster. I did my undergraduate degree in physics starting in 2018 and am now studying for my PhD.
I really like the campus, it is very green and feels safe and secure. I also enjoyed the collegiate system at Lancaster. The uni is split into 8 undergraduate and 1 postgraduate college. When I arrived in welcome week I found the colleges to be really helpful as it helped to split up the uni population into smaller pieces and allowed me to meet people that I wouldn’t have met otherwise. The colleges also put on fun events. My flatmates and I really enjoyed going to Furness’ pub quiz each week.
I didn’t have any friends that went on to study physics at other unis so I can’t really comment on your other question. However, the majority of my friends that went to other unis also had good experiences.
Hope that helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.
General run down on how students find Lancaster and if they would recommend the uni vs how they friends/known people find other unis on similar courses.
Hello, another Lancaster student ambassador here
I did English Literature and Creative Writing and just graduated yesterday and I can say the experience was rocky but fantastic. Rocky because of covid and the current marking boycotts but that affected every uni so when it comes to experience outside of those things it has been amazing. The facilities were always up to date, the libraryt has so many resources and the staff in my department were always helpful and friendly.
Of course there were times where I struggled because Lancaster is small and often the nightlife is the most common form of socialising due to the nature of a small student city. I don't prefer to drink all the time, it's a once a week thing for me but that is the best way outside of societies to meet friends.
However, the university campus itself is amazing for introverted students like me because it's isolated and its own thing. We have a collegiate system that puts you into one of eight colleges based on where you choose accomodation and I found its an amazing way to make friends as well. If you prefer more city-based campuses you might find Lancaster to be a little more isolating because of this, though there are frequent buses into town and the option to live in town and commute to campus if that's your cup of tea
Overall, it's been super fun for me. I have a few friends who are going to study Literature elsewhere (Manchester and Newcastle specifically) for a masters but that's in the future so I can't really say yet how they find the change of uni.
General run down on how students find Lancaster and if they would recommend the uni vs how they friends/known people find other unis on similar courses.
I've just finished my second year studying biochemistry at Lancaster and I've really enjoyed my time here so far! I love the community feel the campus has, due to the size and colleges, and I love how interlinked all the students are - it feels like everyone knows everyone! I've found that there's plenty of opportunities to make friends from your accommodation and course as well as societies, sports, and the people you work with if you have an on-campus part time job. I also really enjoy how green the campus is, it's something I personally looked for when I was picking a university as I couldn't imagine living somewhere that felt grey or bleak.
The city has a decent range of shops and things to do, although I'll admit it's not crazy busy. There are only a few clubs but there's so many bars and pubs so often my friends will do a mini bar crawl for a night out (bonus points if you can convince them to commit to a theme). A lot of the pubs also do quizzes which is a fun night out, although I always lose! There's also plenty of nice cafes and restaurants to go out and eat at.
I think a lot of university life is what you make of it, I think I would have enjoyed the last two years much less if I hadn't gone out of my way to make friends and meet up with people!
I hope I could help. Rebecca (Lancaster Student Ambassador)
General run down on how students find Lancaster and if they would recommend the uni vs how they friends/known people find other unis on similar courses.
My name is Emmanuel and I have just graduated from Lancaster University as a Joint Honours History & Politics student. I really enjoyed my degree because of its flexibility. In my 1st Year, I took a minor module in German and many students are able to take another Major subject along with their assigned Major across the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. In addition, most of my 2nd and 3rd Year modules could be selected according to my own discretion and I managed to forge a specialism for myself through my dissertation and self-designed coursework questions to really make the most of my interests in my final year. That worked a lot better for me than it would have done at other institutions and the ability to know what a subject is truly like at University before full commitment is an affordance that isn't available everywhere (as I know from speaking to some of my friends).
The campus orientation and collegiate structure of the University has allowed me to enjoy student life too. I have been on a student elected committee (JCR Exec) for 8 of the 9 terms of my Undergraduate term and along with participation in collegiate football and netball, I have really enjoyed being a part of my college. The campus is only 3 and a half miles from the city centre but I enjoy the commute on foot and having my own living space to enjoy with people in a similar phase of life. Next year holds the opportunity to undertake a Master's in Politics for myself at Lancaster, a job as an Assistant Dean with my college and the benefits of being a Top 40 Undergraduate of the Year thanks to my work on my CV and the growth I've enjoyed in the last 3 years owes a lot to the environment in which I have placed myself. University is about being able to find yourself and making decisions that best suit your interpretation of becoming a more independent individual and Lancaster has been best for me. Would definitely recommend it!
General run down on how students find Lancaster and if they would recommend the uni vs how they friends/known people find other unis on similar courses.
My name is Paddy, I’ve just finished four years at Lancaster doing a four year Masters Course in Engineering and liked it that much I’m staying on to do my PhD with them.
I see a bunch of Lancaster Students have already responded with their thoughts and opinions so I’ll keep mine brief so I’m not repeating things. I joined in 2019 so half of my first year and most of my second year was in lockdown restrictions. That being said, the uni was very quick to respond and helped students feel supported even though everything had moved online.
There’s so much to do in terms if societies and there’s societies for everyone from serious sports teams, to recreational sports, to crafts and fan clubs. To list a few there’s karate, dodgeball, football, rugby, doctor who, Lego, pokemon, esports, motorsports, baking and the list goes on. The location I love as well, Lancasters a small city but there’s everything you need and plenty of stuff to do, and if you get bored you can travel to Morecombe for the beach or the Lake District, or even go to bigger cities like London, Edinburgh, Liverpool or Manchester by train.
The campus and the multiple societies combined with small city makes the uni feel so friendly as you’ll meet so many friends and make friend groups that end up just intertwining and that’s what I like at Lancaster anyway. The friendly community feel.
If you have anymore questions about the course I did or Student life just ask 👍
Hope this helps Paddy- Lancaster University Engineering Ambassador