The Student Room Group

Gap Year

I want to do a undergrad in psychology after a gap year but i am unsure what i can do in that gap year as i heard employees tend to look for interns that have a degree. What are the possible things i could do in my gap year that can be really benefical for me for psychology
Original post by Nooppea
I want to do a undergrad in psychology after a gap year but i am unsure what i can do in that gap year as i heard employees tend to look for interns that have a degree. What are the possible things i could do in my gap year that can be really benefical for me for psychology

Hi there, psychology student here :smile: It's very hard to get psychology work experience and psychology at uni is an academic discipline anyway so you're not expected to have great work experience during your gap year. However there are a few things you can try to do

I was a care worker during my gap year, which was really an eye opening experience on all the problems that old people face. I only briefly mentioned it on my personal statement though. If you could find some sort of volunteer opportunity with a mental health charity like Mind or the Samaritans, that'd be great, but opportunities are extremely limited so don't be too worried if you can't find anything. I'd suggest that you just get a job - any job - during your gap year, and any sort of volunteering, and just find a way to link it to psychology and keep on doing psychology reading.

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