The Student Room Group

Is my grade enough for applying Good Pharm Sch/Nottingham/Manchester MPharm?

Hello there,
I am a international student from Hong Kong that is willing to apply the MPharm programme in UK in the 9/2024 entry.
However, I attempt HKDSE instead of AL in Hong Kong so there will be no AL result. My result are listed as below,
English: lv4 -> B under conversion to AL
Maths: lv4 -> B under conversion to AL
Chemistry: 5* -> A* under conversion to AL
Chinese History: 5* -> A* under conversion to AL
Biology: lv3 -> C
so my grade would be A*A*B
Some of the counsellor tell me that Chinese History is not considered a valuable subject in the selection standard of UK Uni and I probably can not go to any good MPharm school. Is it real that I shouldn't waste a place in UCAS to apply university of Manchester MPharm or Nottingham MPharm? Would it be a risky and meaningless decision if I do so?
I would be grateful if anyone could tell me more about the current situation.
Your problem is not Chinese History but your grade in Biology

As one example, the HKDSE entry requirements for MPharm at Bath are
5, 5, 4 in Chemistry, a second science and a third elective subject
or 5, 4 in Chemistry and a second science subject plus 5 in core English or Mathematics.

You can't just 'convert' what you think is the equivalent of HKDSE to A levels - it is not as simple as that.
You need to find out exactly what the specific HKDSE requirements are for each individual Uni.
If its not on their website, just email and ask.

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