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What A-Level combination would be most beneficial for Oxbridge Law?

Hey, all,
I'm a Y11 student who aspires to apply for Oxbridge Law in the future. I like all of these subjects and I think that they wouldn't pose as an issue if I took them further to A-Level. Which combo is best for Law?

-History, Politics, Maths, EPQ (law-related)
-History, Politics, Maths, French

I know that French is worth more as an A-Level for uni, but is it worth taking the 4 for Law or doing the EPQ instead?
Original post by elliotc2308
Hey, all,
I'm a Y11 student who aspires to apply for Oxbridge Law in the future. I like all of these subjects and I think that they wouldn't pose as an issue if I took them further to A-Level. Which combo is best for Law?

-History, Politics, Maths, EPQ (law-related)
-History, Politics, Maths, French

I know that French is worth more as an A-Level for uni, but is it worth taking the 4 for Law or doing the EPQ instead?

They are both fine for law, no difference. You should do the combination in which you think you can get the best grades. You only need 3 A levels.
(edited 1 year ago)
As above, for Law there are no required subjects.

Most people find an essay-based subject is useful for skills, but above everything you need to choose three subject you will enjoy studying and where you feel confident of high grades. And no-one need 4 A levels. No University requires 4 subjects. Remember- AAA will always look better than ABBB.

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