The Student Room Group


My mum's always been a bit... annoying? when is comes to boys. Whenever I talk to anyone of the opposite sex she automatically thinks there must be something going on but like... I'm pansexual so that makes almost no sense. It's normally just annoying but I don't think too much of it, but for some reason today it REALLY ****ed me off. I think it's just because I'm a bit stressed with mocks at the moment, so I'm more on edge, but anyways.
So over the weekend I went to this party, and there were guys at the party. They were all really nice and me and my school friends made friends with a few, no biggie. Two of them came to the school concert to see me and my friend perform and we had a really nice time, and we went to see them perform this evening, because friends are supportive like that, right? Yeah, well, my mum keeps being weird about it, even when I was like "the others are pretty sure they've gotta be gay, every four seconds they're talking about how leng some guy is" (ps: my friends were wrong, the one I'm gonna go into more detail about is very much straight) and she was still like "well you know boys... they've only got one thing on their minds", which made me feel like she didn't trust me or my choice in friends or something. Like apart from that being an overgeneralisation, it's also just not always the case. And I get she's being cautious and that, I really do, but IT DOESN'T EVEN END THERE.
Because one of the guys lives around the corner from me he walked me home, and she was like "who was that" and I was like "the guy" and she just gave me this LOOK and UGHHH. Like I've met him 3 times. And then she just mentioned the previous guy I dated and how we moved too fast and it ended badly. Like the moving fast was not the cause of the ending (long story short, he suddenly stopped messaging me a bit out of the blue and then stood me up when we were supposed to meet up, so I assumed he wasn't interested and left it at that).
But what I'm trying to say is, WHAT INTEREST HAVE I SHOWN IN HIM??? I HAVE SHOWN NO ROMANTIC INTEREST IN HIM AT ALL. All I've done is been friendly and it's not like it's just me and him, we've always been with a group of friends apart from walking home. So I just don't get it, I really don't, and I needed to vent because I'm just really irritated.
Feel free to reply, or don't, but have a nice day.