The Student Room Group

I want to have a career in publishing: University of Sheffield vs Sheffield Hallam

I want to have a career in publishing, I have decided to pursue an English degree to get there. I have offers from both Uni of and Hallam, but I am struggling to choose. These are my thoughts...Yes, Sheffield University is well known, and is a Russell Group university. However, as a person of colour it feels a bit out of place studying English there. I feel like I won't feel as comfortable. Also, Uni of is known for its research. If i wanted to be a researcher in linguistics/literature it seems like a great uni. However, I want to go into a career after my degree. Possibly a Masters but that isn't set yet. When I went to ask a lecturer about placement years and how I would want a placement in a publishing house, they said its a very competitive and they can try but if not, marketing would be a great use of the placement year. However, I would like to be an editor, not a marketer in the publishing field (this is why I'm taking English, not marketing.) Sheffield Hallam gives me more welcoming vibes compared to Uni of, because I know that there are people there with very similar situations to me. I also asked a lecturer and they gave me a bit more insight on the placement year and how they can help get me the experience i would need. I feel like, its not about the uni you go to, but the experience you have under your belt. But I'm still torn, would i rather have "Uni of Sheffield" graduate on my CV, or the experience Hallam would give me?
PS. Both Uni's are amazing and I'm entirely grateful to even have the opportunity to pick between the two.

Congratulations on your offers ❤️

Choosing a university can be really difficult, and it sounds like you've put a lot of thought into it.

You will be spending three years of your life at that university, so you need to choose the place that is right for you. Make sure that wherever you choose, that the course you are on will allow you to get where you need to go. One thing we do pride ourselves on as a university is giving our students real life experience, we believe these are valuable experiences that will take your skills and knowledge beyond the classroom, preparing our students for life after graduation.

If there is anything you would like to know, don't hesitate to ask.

Rosie (Sheffield Hallam Rep)
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by Anonymous
I want to have a career in publishing, I have decided to pursue an English degree to get there. I have offers from both Uni of and Hallam, but I am struggling to choose. These are my thoughts...Yes, Sheffield University is well known, and is a Russell Group university. However, as a person of colour it feels a bit out of place studying English there. I feel like I won't feel as comfortable. Also, Uni of is known for its research. If i wanted to be a researcher in linguistics/literature it seems like a great uni. However, I want to go into a career after my degree. Possibly a Masters but that isn't set yet. When I went to ask a lecturer about placement years and how I would want a placement in a publishing house, they said its a very competitive and they can try but if not, marketing would be a great use of the placement year. However, I would like to be an editor, not a marketer in the publishing field (this is why I'm taking English, not marketing.) Sheffield Hallam gives me more welcoming vibes compared to Uni of, because I know that there are people there with very similar situations to me. I also asked a lecturer and they gave me a bit more insight on the placement year and how they can help get me the experience i would need. I feel like, its not about the uni you go to, but the experience you have under your belt. But I'm still torn, would i rather have "Uni of Sheffield" graduate on my CV, or the experience Hallam would give me?
PS. Both Uni's are amazing and I'm entirely grateful to even have the opportunity to pick between the two.

Sheffield Uni has a renowned Journalism degree course. That might be a better route for you, as it has lots of media contacts.

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