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Work balance

What is the best way to balalnce third year studies and applying for a job?
I'd recommend working in an office as an admin/clerk, no more than 16 hours , you get your weekends off to chill out and study.
Original post by J.wills
What is the best way to balalnce third year studies and applying for a job?

Hey there @J.wills !

My best advice to you is to make sure you're happy with contracted hours. If you're on a zero-hour contract then they can technically make you work as much or as little as they'd like. I would recommend no more than a 16 hour contract, preferrably less in final year and then maybe ask for a few more hours in holiday periods. As long as you have a good relationship with your boss and they know what your limit is on how much you'll work then there will be no confusion so it's important to make it known from the jump. Sometimes it's easy to say yes to things you know you can't handle because you feel bad for saying no but as long as you're sure in yourself that you know your limits and you're prioritising your studies then it should be okay.

Hope this helped!
Lucy - Digital Student Ambassador SHU
Original post by J.wills
What is the best way to balalnce third year studies and applying for a job?


Think about the flexibility that the job will or will not give you, the distance and the time commitment.

Think about university deadlines and how you can manage this if you get a job. Can you break assignments down and finish ahead of schedule. Are you likely to struggle with organising your time?

Think about how much you need to work. Is it possible to budget more so that can continue to focus on your studies or do you really need to have more money so that you can have greater peace of mind and can manage your expenses?

Third year tends to be make or break in terms of your degree, so you don't want to be so tired or busy so that you can't pay attention to your studies, but neither do you want to be worrying about money so that you are again distracted from your studies.

I think you just have to be realistic about what you can and can't do.

Hope that helps,

Oluwatosin 3rd year student University of Huddersfield
Original post by J.wills
What is the best way to balalnce third year studies and applying for a job?


I agree with the above mostly! Just wanted to also add, you could treat uni as more of your 9-5 job and only work outside of this, so mainly weekends and evenings. This helps to ensure you are still prioritising your uni work but can also have your free time and also time for a part time job. Try look at jobs the uni is offering first as they will be most flexible with your studies!

Best of luck with everything!
University of Kent Student Rep

I think managing final year while working can be tough but it is manageable.

My biggest advice would be to ensure that you keep a to do list with all the uni work that you have to do to ensure you're on top of it and identify when you can have free time to work. You can use an electronic calendar with reminders!

As for finding a job, my first suggestions would be to try to find work opportunities in university as they will always allow you to put your uni work first. My second suggestion would be to try to find a job with a zero hour contract this way you are not obliged to work a minimum amount of hours, specially when you have a busy week.

Also, I would suggest creating a linked in account as it is a great place to find job opportunities and different experiences as a student.

Best of luck,
Haya- MBBS 5

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