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University choices for economics

I want to study at a good university for economics, but they all have really high entry requirements, like Sheffield, Warwick, LSC, etc. I don't know if I can get that in my a levels. My expected will probably be ABC or ABB.
Should I still choose one or two for my options?
Do you take A level maths - in which case what grade do you expect?
Reply 2
I do maths, further mats and economics for a level. I'm expected for ACB respectively for my subjects. Do you have any advise on searching for universities that I could apply to for economics?
Original post by Jess-W
I do maths, further mats and economics for a level. I'm expected for ACB respectively for my subjects. Do you have any advise on searching for universities that I could apply to for economics?

Your not likely to get into your target universities with those grades. Have a look at other places who are more likely to make you offers. Economics is very competitive in top universities especially in London where demand vastly exceeds demand.
Original post by Jess-W
I do maths, further mats and economics for a level. I'm expected for ACB respectively for my subjects. Do you have any advise on searching for universities that I could apply to for economics?

Hi - SwanseaJack1 is quite correct. Unfortunately economics is oversubscribed heavily which means there are not many special deals out there.

Perhaps you could let us know what attracts you to economics and what you enjoy about it? That might allow people to think about a wider range of universities which might suit. Also - which areas of the country are you open to? Might you be eligible for contextual offers?
Reply 5
Original post by ajj2000
Hi - SwanseaJack1 is quite correct. Unfortunately economics is oversubscribed heavily which means there are not many special deals out there.

Perhaps you could let us know what attracts you to economics and what you enjoy about it? That might allow people to think about a wider range of universities which might suit. Also - which areas of the country are you open to? Might you be eligible for contextual offers?

Hi, thank you for both of your replies. You both are correct, I'm looking into more realistic options now, I definetwly apply for contextual offers because of where I live.
The course I'm leaning more into is economics and finance because I want to have a career in investment and assets management.
Any where in England is good really.
Original post by Jess-W
I want to study at a good university for economics, but they all have really high entry requirements, like Sheffield, Warwick, LSC, etc. I don't know if I can get that in my a levels. My expected will probably be ABC or ABB.
Should I still choose one or two for my options?

You have a good set of subjects, so with a strong personal statement you could have some nice options.
Firstly, economics is quite competitive. This, however, doesn't mean you shouldn't apply to the university if your predicted grades don't match - you can include one aspirational choice university that are one (or two) grades above your predicted. Make sure to have at least two middle choices and a backup.

Secondly, look for similar degrees. For example, Lancaster University's entry requirements for BSc Economics are AAB, but for BA Economics and Economics and Finance, the requirements are ABB. Perhaps courses like that also have the aspects that drew you to economics?

Thirdly, there are a few top universities that offer foundation courses or contextual offers. You could try applying to those.

Best of luck with your applications!

Lancaster University Student Ambassador.
Original post by swanseajack1
Your not likely to get into your target universities with those grades. Have a look at other places who are more likely to make you offers. Economics is very competitive in top universities especially in London where demand vastly exceeds demand.

Hello sorry to but in here but I would really appreciate some help. I'm interested in accepting my unconditional MSc econ offer letter from the University of York. I'm actually an Indian who will have a year of experience before starting my Masters in the UK and the company is actually headquartered in London.

I'm waiting for responses from LSE, Warwick, Manchester, Nottingham and Birmingham. How would you rank Nottingham, Birmingham, York and Manchester for their econ programs? I'd take Warwick or LSE without missing a heartbeat but frankly I doubt I'll get in.

Also yea with the recent developments I'd have to get a 37000 gbp job to be even considered for the visa after the 2 year student visa expires.
I'd really appreciate your feedback and thanks in advance to anyone who helps out :smile:

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