The Student Room Group

Uni interview tips

Hi there, it's great to see across TSR that some of you are starting to receive interview invites from various universities. Preparing and attending university interviews understandably can be a worrying time for many so I thought I'd share some general tips on ways to prepare for these interviews.

Do your research

It's important to know your stuff, so before your interview do have a thorough research of the course details and on the university itself. Have a reread of your personal statement and think about why you have chosen to apply for this course as the interviewers will be keen to hear your reasoning. Have a research of frequently asked interview questions then prepare and memories your answers, you may benefit from doing a mock interview with a friend or family member as this will help build confidence in your responses.

Dress smartly and comfortably

Dress smart for your interview but also do make sure you are comfortable. Don't worry, you aren't expected to wear a full suit but dressing professionally will help make a good first impression.

Arrive nice and early

It's always good to arrive to your interview a little early to avoid any stress of turning up late due to things like traffic. If you are attending an interview in person, check where you need to go and make a plan of how you are going to get there. If your interview is online, ensure in advance that your computer and camera are set up and that you have a strong Wi-Fi connection.

During your interview

Whether your interview is in person or online, keep an eye on your body language, make sure to sit up straight and have good eye contact with your interviewers as this will show that you are confident and engaged. Throughout the interview, it's important that you show your enthusiasm for the course and are listening to the interviewers questions carefully. Take your time with answering the questions and don't be afraid to ask the interviewer to repeat any questions you don't understand.

Be ready to ask questions

It's useful to take a notebook and pen to your interview in case there is any important points you need to note down. Having some questions ready is useful as you can learn more about the university and course to see if it's the right fit for you, it also shows the interviewer that you are prepared and enthusiastic.

Relax and enjoy!

Most importantly, enjoy it! I know this is easier said than done but you will interview better if you are more relaxed. Remember this is your time to show why you want to study at that university. Whatever the outcome, it's important to remember that being invited to interviews is a big achievement in itself and you should be proud of yourself.

Students who have attended university interviews, feel free to share your experience and any top tips! 😊
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by UCLan Ambassador
Hi there, it's great to see across TSR that some of you are starting to receive interview invites from various universities. Preparing and attending university interviews understandably can be a worrying time for many so I thought I'd share some general tips on ways to prepare for these interviews.

Do your research

It's important to know your stuff, so before your interview do have a thorough research of the course details and on the university itself. Have a reread of your personal statement and think about why you have chosen to apply for this course as the interviewers will be keen to hear your reasoning. Have a research of frequently asked interview questions then prepare and memories your answers, you may benefit from doing a mock interview with a friend or family member as this will help build confidence in your responses.

Dress smartly and comfortably

Dress smart for your interview but also do make sure you are comfortable. Don't worry, you aren't expected to wear a full suit but dressing professionally will help make a good first impression.

Arrive nice and early

It's always good to arrive to your interview a little early to avoid any stress of turning up late due to things like traffic. If you are attending an interview in person, check where you need to go and make a plan of how you are going to get there. If your interview is online, ensure in advance that your computer and camera are set up and that you have a strong Wi-Fi connection.

During your interview

Whether your interview is in person or online, keep an eye on your body language, make sure to sit up straight and have good eye contact with your interviewers as this will show that you are confident and engaged. Throughout the interview, it's important that you show your enthusiasm for the course and are listening to the interviewers questions carefully. Take your time with answering the questions and don't be afraid to ask the interviewer to repeat any questions you don't understand.

Be ready to ask questions

It's useful to take a notebook and pen to your interview in case there is any important points you need to note down. Having some questions ready is useful as you can learn more about the university and course to see if it's the right fit for you, it also shows the interviewer that you are prepared and enthusiastic.

Relax and enjoy!

Most importantly, enjoy it! I know this is easier said than done but you will interview better if you are more relaxed. Remember this is your time to show why you want to study at that university. Whatever the outcome, it's important to remember that being invited to interviews is a big achievement in itself and you should be proud of yourself.

Students who have attended university interviews, feel free to share your experience and any top tips! 😊

Hi everyone!

I'm one of the 4th year medical students at UCLan and I wanted to share my tips for your interviews!

Do your research
There's usually some really handy tips from your university on what to expect from your interview (e.g. is it a panel interview or an MMI). Knowing in advance a little bit about what to expect is helpful to calm your nerves!

Get there in plenty of time
There's nothing worse than being on the last minute and this stressing you out! Be sure to plan ahead and give yourself plenty of time for parking / finding the location.

Enjoy the experience
I found that my interviews were just a way to find out more about me and whether I would be a good fit for the course / it would be a good fit for me! The interviewers aren't there to catch you out so try to relax a little and be yourself! Wear something smart but comfortable as you will be in it all day and try not to let your nerves get the better of you!

Best of luck to everyone who has interviews this year and let me know if you have any questions below!

-Rebecca, UCLan 4th Year
Hello everyone,

My name is Haya and I am a final year medic! Interviews are your time to shine so try to have fun ! 😊

Stop revising the night before
Remember that the interviews are more about your thought process and character rather than stating information that you have memorised. Last minute revision might contribute to stress and anxiety :frown:

Have a good night sleep
Your brain functions much better on 7/8 hours of sleep and you will feel much better on the day.

Stations are marked independently
In interviews with different stations like MMIs, if you feel like you haven't done as well on a station, take a few seconds to forget about it and focus on the upcoming one. The next examiner doesn't know your previous performance, therefore. it is a chance to start fresh 😀

Ensure you mention your work experience
Saying you have great team working skills is not enough without mentioning your previous work/personal experiences that have enhanced your soft skills.

Most importantly, CONFIDENCE is key!

Let me know if you have any other questions and best of luck !

Haya- MBBS V

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