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Feeling like I made the wrong choice with a levels

So I honestly cannot stop thinking about the fact that I’ve probably made the wrong choice with my a level options.
I did well at GCSEs and could take any subject and opted to do English lit psychology and biology but changed bio to sociology because I wasn’t really enjoying bio. Anyways, I don’t know what I wanna do in the future so I took bio initially which would’ve opened a few more doors (like allied health professions) but I was already lost before and after switching but now I feel as if I should’ve done maths or stuck it out with bio since they would’ve given me a lot more options. I’m so stressed with ucas and everything even though I’m in year 12 the teachers keep mentioning it and I legit don’t know what to do. I don’t wanna spend 27k on a degree when I don’t know what I’d do with it. I’m considering law and doing extracurriculars to do with it. Also, I did ask my school if I could switch my subjects back in November but they said no. I just really regret my choices and my mind won’t leave it, I know that I can’t change the decision and so should just leave it cos it’s out of my control now but I absolutely feel like a failure for choosing these subjects when I had the opportunity to do anything. I am considering doing maths privately right now but how am I gonna balance that with my 3 other subjects at school and extracurriculars and also maths was my weakest subject at gcse so ik I’d need the most help with that?? And retaking yr 12 for one subject doesn’t seem likely. I miss stem subjects lol I was so adamant that I wasn’t gonna do maths but now I feel like I should’ve. I just feel like a failure and I can’t shut that thought out for some reason. Sorry this was a rant but ig I just want advice.
(edited 1 year ago)
So it's good that your already thinking about career paths and what you need to get in. Honestly it's too early to stress about ucas especially since you've just started year 12 so ignore your teachers about it for now.
First off, I think you should think carefully about what subjects you'd ultimately want to do whether it's changing one or 3 of your subjects. For example, if you didn't enjoy maths/ do too well on it you might struggle more in a levels but that's up to how you approach it.
So here are some options if you do want to change/ add subjects.
First is to repeat year 12 with subjects you want to do. This may seem like a drastic thing and that your falling behind but in the long run one year isn't making a difference. You'll see this when you enter uni eventually. Also since you haven't sat any exams, it won't disadvantage you against others applying for the course if you stick with some of the same subjects.
Another option is to sit maths privately but maybe after your year 13 exams. Taking a year out or something similar.
Third option is a foundation degree (after year 13). Many unis offer this if you have a different combination of a levels than the one needed for a course.
If your considering law, do more research as it is a saturated and competitive field. Do some work experience to see if it aligns with your interests.

All in all your not a failure and don't stress yourself out about it too much.

Good luck and feel free to ask any more questions.
Original post by prospective-phos
So I honestly cannot stop thinking about the fact that I’ve probably made the wrong choice with my a level options.
I did well at GCSEs and could take any subject and opted to do English lit psychology and biology but changed bio to sociology because I wasn’t really enjoying bio. Anyways, I don’t know what I wanna do in the future so I took bio initially which would’ve opened a few more doors (like allied health professions) but I was already lost before and after switching but now I feel as if I should’ve done maths or stuck it out with bio since they would’ve given me a lot more options. I’m so stressed with ucas and everything even though I’m in year 12 the teachers keep mentioning it and I legit don’t know what to do. I don’t wanna spend 27k on a degree when I don’t know what I’d do with it. I’m considering law and doing extracurriculars to do with it. Also, I did ask my school if I could switch my subjects back in November but they said no. I just really regret my choices and my mind won’t leave it, I know that I can’t change the decision and so should just leave it cos it’s out of my control now but I absolutely feel like a failure for choosing these subjects when I had the opportunity to do anything. I am considering doing maths privately right now but how am I gonna balance that with my 3 other subjects at school and extracurriculars and also maths was my weakest subject at gcse so ik I’d need the most help with that?? And retaking yr 12 for one subject doesn’t seem likely. I miss stem subjects lol I was so adamant that I wasn’t gonna do maths but now I feel like I should’ve. I just feel like a failure and I can’t shut that thought out for some reason. Sorry this was a rant but ig I just want advice.

I see where your coming from when you say that biology and maths would open a lot of doors for you.
I’m in year 13 and do chemistry maths and biology.
Honestly if you really don’t like the subjects your doing and you feel as though you should have applied for other subjects i don’t see a reason why you should carry on doing them, i think you should probably consider retaking the year, i know that seems daunting but it will change your mindset, your thoughts and your future and may even help you find the career you want. You will study the subjects you want and it will make you happy in the long term and help you create the future that you wanted.
That is completely up to you, but if i was in your position and disliked the alevels i’m currently doing and see a dark future with them, i would do something to change that future.
So if you do consider retaking the year, do subjects like maths, a science (bio/chem/physics), english or a humanities subject, (probably a mix of these) which will open many doors for you and won’t put you at a disadvantage in the future.
However you did say you are considering law, so if you are certain with law then i think you should stick with your current alevels as they’re really good alevels for law.
Also for UCAS, you don’t need to think about it now, it’s way to early to be thinking and stressing about it now. You’ll only need to start thinking about it during summer holidays/start of year 13.
And about the extracurricular activities your doing right now, i think you should definitely stick with that, try doing work experience in a range of different sectors, that may give you a taste of different careers and help you decide the right career for you and also give you experience in a variety of different settings which will help you in the future when you are certain with what you want to do so your not just put at a disadvantage.

Hope this helps!
Good luck!!
Original post by prospective-phos
So I honestly cannot stop thinking about the fact that I’ve probably made the wrong choice with my a level options.
I did well at GCSEs and could take any subject and opted to do English lit psychology and biology but changed bio to sociology because I wasn’t really enjoying bio. Anyways, I don’t know what I wanna do in the future so I took bio initially which would’ve opened a few more doors (like allied health professions) but I was already lost before and after switching but now I feel as if I should’ve done maths or stuck it out with bio since they would’ve given me a lot more options. I’m so stressed with ucas and everything even though I’m in year 12 the teachers keep mentioning it and I legit don’t know what to do. I don’t wanna spend 27k on a degree when I don’t know what I’d do with it. I’m considering law and doing extracurriculars to do with it. Also, I did ask my school if I could switch my subjects back in November but they said no. I just really regret my choices and my mind won’t leave it, I know that I can’t change the decision and so should just leave it cos it’s out of my control now but I absolutely feel like a failure for choosing these subjects when I had the opportunity to do anything. I am considering doing maths privately right now but how am I gonna balance that with my 3 other subjects at school and extracurriculars and also maths was my weakest subject at gcse so ik I’d need the most help with that?? And retaking yr 12 for one subject doesn’t seem likely. I miss stem subjects lol I was so adamant that I wasn’t gonna do maths but now I feel like I should’ve. I just feel like a failure and I can’t shut that thought out for some reason. Sorry this was a rant but ig I just want advice.

Just to add, i think it’s also important to consider doing subjects are YOU ENJOY. That’s a really important factor which will help you decide the future and career you want.
When i started sixth form i wasn’t certain which career to take however i knew i wanted to do something in the healthcare industry, and i also really enjoyed biology chemistry and maths so i chose those subjects.
Along the way i was considering either medicine or pharmacy, but kept jumping back and forth between the two, however along the way i compared both and tried to see which one i would enjoy more and what i wouldn’t enjoy, i did work experience in a pharmacy and found out i really enjoyed it.
Also i didn’t think medicine would be good for me because i’m really sensitive to blood, big wounds/bruises, basically anything gory, i can’t look at it, especially the inside of a humans body, so that’s how i knew medicine wasn’t for me. And i hated the long years of studying to become a doctor and the long working hours and being underpaid, which drove me away from medicine. I really enjoy chemistry maths and biology, especially chemistry which is why i want to do pharmacy.
So i think you should consider what subjects you enjoy the most, consider a few careers associated with those subjects and weigh the pros and cons of each which may help you decide on the right career for you.
Original post by nora.aa169
I see where your coming from when you say that biology and maths would open a lot of doors for you.
I’m in year 13 and do chemistry maths and biology.
Honestly if you really don’t like the subjects your doing and you feel as though you should have applied for other subjects i don’t see a reason why you should carry on doing them, i think you should probably consider retaking the year, i know that seems daunting but it will change your mindset, your thoughts and your future and may even help you find the career you want. You will study the subjects you want and it will make you happy in the long term and help you create the future that you wanted.
That is completely up to you, but if i was in your position and disliked the alevels i’m currently doing and see a dark future with them, i would do something to change that future.
So if you do consider retaking the year, do subjects like maths, a science (bio/chem/physics), english or a humanities subject, (probably a mix of these) which will open many doors for you and won’t put you at a disadvantage in the future.
However you did say you are considering law, so if you are certain with law then i think you should stick with your current alevels as they’re really good alevels for law.
Also for UCAS, you don’t need to think about it now, it’s way to early to be thinking and stressing about it now. You’ll only need to start thinking about it during summer holidays/start of year 13.
And about the extracurricular activities your doing right now, i think you should definitely stick with that, try doing work experience in a range of different sectors, that may give you a taste of different careers and help you decide the right career for you and also give you experience in a variety of different settings which will help you in the future when you are certain with what you want to do so your not just put at a disadvantage.

Hope this helps!
Good luck!!

For me, I enjoy psychology and English lit but less so of sociology. But I’m unsure as to whether i should retake a whole year based on one a level because at that point I would’ve nearly finished two I’m happy with.
Original post by prospective-phos
Original post by nora.aa169
I see where your coming from when you say that biology and maths would open a lot of doors for you.
I’m in year 13 and do chemistry maths and biology.
Honestly if you really don’t like the subjects your doing and you feel as though you should have applied for other subjects i don’t see a reason why you should carry on doing them, i think you should probably consider retaking the year, i know that seems daunting but it will change your mindset, your thoughts and your future and may even help you find the career you want. You will study the subjects you want and it will make you happy in the long term and help you create the future that you wanted.
That is completely up to you, but if i was in your position and disliked the alevels i’m currently doing and see a dark future with them, i would do something to change that future.
So if you do consider retaking the year, do subjects like maths, a science (bio/chem/physics), english or a humanities subject, (probably a mix of these) which will open many doors for you and won’t put you at a disadvantage in the future.
However you did say you are considering law, so if you are certain with law then i think you should stick with your current alevels as they’re really good alevels for law.
Also for UCAS, you don’t need to think about it now, it’s way to early to be thinking and stressing about it now. You’ll only need to start thinking about it during summer holidays/start of year 13.
And about the extracurricular activities your doing right now, i think you should definitely stick with that, try doing work experience in a range of different sectors, that may give you a taste of different careers and help you decide the right career for you and also give you experience in a variety of different settings which will help you in the future when you are certain with what you want to do so your not just put at a disadvantage.

Hope this helps!
Good luck!!

For me, I enjoy psychology and English lit but less so of sociology. But I’m unsure as to whether i should retake a whole year based on one a level because at that point I would’ve nearly finished two I’m happy with.

If you do not mind doing psychology and english lit and know you want to go into a career revolving around those subjects, then yes i would agree that changing an alevel just for one subject may be not worth it.
Just try to narrow down what you want to do in the future, i think that will help you resolve this issue.
Original post by nora.aa169
For me, I enjoy psychology and English lit but less so of sociology. But I’m unsure as to whether i should retake a whole year based on one a level because at that point I would’ve nearly finished two I’m happy with.

If you do not mind doing psychology and english lit and know you want to go into a career revolving around those subjects, then yes i would agree that changing an alevel just for one subject may be not worth it.
Just try to narrow down what you want to do in the future, i think that will help you resolve this issue.

The thing is I’m unsure on what I want to do in the future. I’m most happy with psychology as an option as I want to keep the option of becoming a psychologist open. With English lit I know that it is a good subject for law but not a requirement, I am unsure as to what else it seems to directly link to and if I would like it.
(edited 1 year ago)

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