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UK school choice

Hi just a quick but urgent question:
I just got offers from charterhouse, CLC and sevenoaks. we are not really considering charterhouse so it is just between CLC and sevenoaks
we really dont know which one to choose so can any of you gove some advice?
Reply 1
why not consider charterhouse? Would like to hear your thoughts

(Original post by etsuko-o)
Hi just a quick but urgent question:
I just got offers from charterhouse, CLC and sevenoaks. we are not really considering charterhouse so it is just between CLC and sevenoaks
we really dont know which one to choose so can any of you gove some advice?
Reply 2
Original post by henri17
why not consider charterhouse? Would like to hear your thoughts

(Original post by etsuko-o)
Hi just a quick but urgent question:
I just got offers from charterhouse, CLC and sevenoaks. we are not really considering charterhouse so it is just between CLC and sevenoaks
we really dont know which one to choose so can any of you gove some advice?

well we first considered charterhouse as one of my destinations because of their website and results. however after consideration, i decided that i would like to do ib in the futur and decided to go to sevenoaks in the end because its ib courses are really flourishing. also, we noted that sevenoaks appears to be more international and diverse. i have always been in international environments so the transition would probably be less hard.
hope this helped.
Reply 3
Hii can you tell me what score you got on the Sevenoaks entrance tests
Reply 4
uhh so for 13+ entrance exams they dont really give you a score? like they dont tell you what you got, so you only recieve an offer without the actual score.
if it helps you could potentialy receive three types of offer: decline for application, offered place and offered place+scholarship exam invitation. I got the scholarship invitationn which is why we have decide to choose sevenoaks.
Hope it helped
Original post by etsuko-o
Hi just a quick but urgent question:
I just got offers from charterhouse, CLC and sevenoaks. we are not really considering charterhouse so it is just between CLC and sevenoaks
we really dont know which one to choose so can any of you gove some advice?

Hii ! What subjects did you sit the entrance exam for CLC? Could you give me a summary of what the exams where like for Cheltenham and the level of difficulty ?😊
Reply 6
I sat the exam last year, and i had to complete a general abilities exam (cat4), math, English and a group interview. Personally, I found that the exams were not that difficult, sufficient training and just keeping up to date with the general academic level in Britain is ok. And for the interview you just have to make sure to stand out amidst the other participants and be confident about what you are saying.
Hope this helps!
Reply 7
Original post by etsuko-o
uhh so for 13+ entrance exams they dont really give you a score? like they dont tell you what you got, so you only recieve an offer without the actual score.
if it helps you could potentialy receive three types of offer: decline for application, offered place and offered place+scholarship exam invitation. I got the scholarship invitationn which is why we have decide to choose sevenoaks.
Hope it helped

this is for academic scholarship for 13+ entry?
also, did you have any other reasons to choose Sevenoaks?
Reply 8
Original post by g0student
this is for academic scholarship for 13+ entry?
also, did you have any other reasons to choose Sevenoaks?

They did offer me a place in the scholarship exam but i ended up not going because earlier this year I got a scholarship offer from another school and ended up choosing that one in the very end. I previously chose sevenoaks out of all the other schools because I felt it was a really nice match to me and my own preferences. Statistics on the school was obviously pivotal in the making of my descision but i would say your own thoughts and feelings on the school is a lot more important. sevenoaks offers the opportunity for boarders to stay a night in the school's dorms during the exam (it spans over two days), and i felt the whole atmosphere just really clocked with me.

hope this helps!
Reply 9
Original post by etsuko-o
They did offer me a place in the scholarship exam but i ended up not going because earlier this year I got a scholarship offer from another school and ended up choosing that one in the very end. I previously chose sevenoaks out of all the other schools because I felt it was a really nice match to me and my own preferences. Statistics on the school was obviously pivotal in the making of my descision but i would say your own thoughts and feelings on the school is a lot more important. sevenoaks offers the opportunity for boarders to stay a night in the school's dorms during the exam (it spans over two days), and i felt the whole atmosphere just really clocked with me.
hope this helps!

Thank you for replying. Congratulations on the scholarship!! Good luck. I am sure the school you have chosen is equally good.
Reply 10
Original post by g0student
Thank you for replying. Congratulations on the scholarship!! Good luck. I am sure the school you have chosen is equally good.

Thanks and good luck to you too!!

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