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Aqa psychology As level help needed
Aqa psychology As level help needed

Print out the specification and make sure you have gone through all the topics.

Knowing your evals are important as they make up 10 marks in your 16 marker essays or 3 in your 12 markers. It's okay if you can't remember all the researcher's names. As long as you know the main ones for the AO1!

I got an A* using the blurting technique and spaced repetition (this is key for long-term memory!!)

Check out this store if you need any notes/template and specification checklists!

All the best, you can do this!
Reply 2
Did u do an AS level of u did when did u start revising
Did u do an AS level of u did when did u start revising

yes i done both AS and A-level exams.

you should be revising as you go long. But I completed past papers and did intense revision at least 2 months prior to the exams :smile:

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