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Swansea University enquiry

Any alumni from Swansea University, who have completed clinical psychology or anyone that can help me with understanding if I can get a job afterwards or placements related to clinical psych in wales? How easily do we get part-time jobs?
Original post by Kiki203
Any alumni from Swansea University, who have completed clinical psychology or anyone that can help me with understanding if I can get a job afterwards or placements related to clinical psych in wales? How easily do we get part-time jobs?

When you say "completed clinical psychology" which course are you referring to?

Swansea University offer these undergraduate courses in Psychology:
Psychology, BSc (Hons)
Psychology with a Foundation Year
Criminology and Psychology, BSc (Hons)
Education and Psychology, BSc (Hons)
Sociology and Psychology, BSc (Hons)
Sociology and Psychology (with a Foundation year), BSc (Hons)

Swansea University offer these postgraduate courses in Psychology:
Clinical Psychology and Mental Health, MSc
Cognitive Neuroscience, MSc
Forensic Psychology, MSc
Research Methods in Psychology, MSc

None of the above would allow you to practice as a Clinical Psychologist - as that requires you to hold a doctorate. Swansea University offer no such doctorate.
Reply 2
Original post by DataVenia
When you say "completed clinical psychology" which course are you referring to?

Swansea University offer these undergraduate courses in Psychology:
Psychology, BSc (Hons)
Psychology with a Foundation Year
Criminology and Psychology, BSc (Hons)
Education and Psychology, BSc (Hons)
Sociology and Psychology, BSc (Hons)
Sociology and Psychology (with a Foundation year), BSc (Hons)

Swansea University offer these postgraduate courses in Psychology:
Clinical Psychology and Mental Health, MSc
Cognitive Neuroscience, MSc
Forensic Psychology, MSc
Research Methods in Psychology, MSc

None of the above would allow you to practice as a Clinical Psychologist - as that requires you to hold a doctorate. Swansea University offer no such doctorate.

Hey, thanks for replying! I wanted to know if it would give me what I need to practice as one. I chose the clinical psychology and mental health,Msc. If the universities is teaching what is needed for our career. Placements are really important as well, if I can get any related to my field?
Thank you!
Original post by Kiki203
Hey, thanks for replying! I wanted to know if it would give me what I need to practice as one. I chose the clinical psychology and mental health,Msc. If the universities is teaching what is needed for our career. Placements are really important as well, if I can get any related to my field?
Thank you!

Can I rephrase your second sentence ("I wanted to know if it would give me what I need to practice as one.") just to make sure I understand the question you're asking. I think you're saying, "I wanted to know if a Clinical Psychology and Mental Health MSc would give me what I need to practice as a Clinical Psychologist. If so, the answer is no. As I said above, you need to have doctorate in Clinical Psychology to practice as a Clinical Psychologist.

However, taking that MSc might help you gain access to a doctorate (its very competitive to get onto a Clinical Psychology doctoral programme; last year there were 4,990 applicants for just 1,166 places country-wide).
Original post by Kiki203
Any alumni from Swansea University, who have completed clinical psychology or anyone that can help me with understanding if I can get a job afterwards or placements related to clinical psych in wales? How easily do we get part-time jobs?

Hi! I'm not sure if this would answer your question, but there is a really useful resource called Discover Uni. It's a Government owned website, it pulls out information from the NSS (National Student Satisfaction survey) and the Graduate Outcomes survey, which gives you statistics on where students typically end up (dependent on who shares their info, of course.

As DataVenia stated above there are multiple psychology courses (7 in fact :smile:). So its worth reviewing and seeing where students end up! I used this tool when I was choosing universities and I found it quite helpful with making decisions. The site also states the types of jobs that particular cohort goes into, which is quite helpful. I'd recommend giving it a look!

~ Cardiff University Student Rep
(edited 1 year ago)

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