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Psychology doctorate

Can i do a docorate in psychology if i do a forensic psychology degree? i know i need a minimum of a 2.1 in the first degree but im just confused.
It's a psychology degree at the end of the day, maybe with a particular focus in forensic psychology but it shouldn't be too much of a problem as long as the degree is BPS accredited.

In my opinion though, it's better to just do a plain old boring psychology degree, which will cover a little bit of everything psychology has to offer (and is anything but plain, old or boring!), and then specialise if you so wish in a concrete area of psychology in your postgraduate studies :smile:
Reply 2
Original post by Scotland Yard
It's a psychology degree at the end of the day, maybe with a particular focus in forensic psychology but it shouldn't be too much of a problem as long as the degree is BPS accredited.

In my opinion though, it's better to just do a plain old boring psychology degree, which will cover a little bit of everything psychology has to offer (and is anything but plain, old or boring!), and then specialise if you so wish in a concrete area of psychology in your postgraduate studies :smile:

Hey tysm for this, ive always been interested in criminal psychology, so i will take your advice and look to specialise in it after postgraudate studies! ❤️
You can, yes, but many applicants will also have an MSc on top of their undergrad and a good few years of practical experience too. As above, you may want to stick to a straight psychology degree unless you're 100% sure you want to go into forensic psychology (not criminal psychology as in the US).
Original post by evalyinna
Can i do a docorate in psychology if i do a forensic psychology degree? i know i need a minimum of a 2.1 in the first degree but im just confused.


Yes it is possible! I'm currently doing a PhD in psychology alongside people who have BSc/MSc degrees in forensic/clinical psychology.

Best of luck with everything,
Reply 5
Original post by University of Kent

Yes it is possible! I'm currently doing a PhD in psychology alongside people who have BSc/MSc degrees in forensic/clinical psychology.

Best of luck with everything,

thank you sm !!

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