As far as I know, science practicals are not important if the subject isn't a required subject for the degree course e.g. I don't see the point in passing your science practicals if you're going to do a degree in say business.
Nursing degrees tend not to have required subjects, so you could easily done a random Access course or random A Levels and still meet their subject requirements. It's usually the other things that would trip you up.
I have never seen a nursing degree course stating that you would need to have passed your science practicals in order to do the course
If you have done an Access course, there's little sense in doing A Level practicals unless the uni rejects your Access course (which I have never come across one that did)
If you have passed the practicals before, you should be able to transfer the results over to your resits and just resit the exams. However, you would need to check with your exam boards for your A Levels for that.