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Ib aa vs ai sl

Should I do IB AA SL or AI SL? I don't really like math's but I am aiming to do a medicine/biology related degree. Would doin AI SL decrease my chances in getting into a top US UNI (e.g. Harvard?)
(edited 1 year ago)
I don't know about the US, but a lot of top UK unis require Math AA for such subjects (they simply won't consider math AI). And it would probably be better to do HL, not sl (though, I would advise you to check the requirements of the unis you are planning to apply to)
Reply 2
from the research i’ve done (i’m in the uk) top medicine unis don’t care that much about what maths course you do. certain ones will put on the website that they require a certain course, but those that do will usually ask for an hl maths subject not sl.
Reply 3
Original post by hgeorge07
from the research i’ve done (i’m in the uk) top medicine unis don’t care that much about what maths course you do. certain ones will put on the website that they require a certain course, but those that do will usually ask for an hl maths subject not sl.

Oh ok tysm

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