The Student Room Group

Urgent tenancy takeover - Europa, Liverpool

I'm looking for tenancy takeover in Europa student accomodation as I'm moving to another city. I need tenants who can immediately takeover this month. It is a bronze ensuite room with all bills included and facilities with 111 pounds per week. For more details please do contact me.
I'm looking for tenancy takeover in Europa student accomodation (10 min walk from University of Liverpool) as I'm moving to another city.I'm currently doing masters in University of Liverpool. I need tenants who can immediately takeover this month. It is a bronze ensuite room with all bills included and facilities with 111 pounds per week.

Accommodation Name: Europa Student Accommodation
Location: 190 Erskine street , L6 1AH , Liverpool
Rent: 111 £ per week, all bills included: 51 weeks contract
Room type: Bronze Ensuite ( Attached bathroom, heater, laundry facilities, parking, Tv facilities, spacious kitchen and living room, ultra fast wifi.)
All bills included.
University of Liverpool - 10 mins walk.
Located at a very convenient & safe location.
For more details please do contact me. Hoping for a positive response!
I'm looking for a tenancy takeover for my room in Europa Student Accomodation as I'm moving to another city. The room is bronze ensuite room with 111 pounds per week. Looking for students who can takeover immediately. For more details please contact me.
Threads merged - please don't make multiple threads on the same subject. :smile:

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