I noticed there wasn’t anything set up for history offer holders for this year so I thought i’d create this thread to allow fellow history offer holders to connect with each other.
I’ll go first, I’m Sophie, i’m on a gap year and I have an offer to read History at Queens’ college!
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Hi, I was rejected from that very college recently for History. What made your application stand out? Anyway, Congrats on the offer I know you deserved it!!!!!!!!1
Hi, I was rejected from that very college recently for History. What made your application stand out? Anyway, Congrats on the offer I know you deserved it!!!!!!!!1
Thank you so much!! Idk what made my application stand out... I think the interviews and HAA went okay (I wouldn't say great but I wouldn't say terrible either...) I talked about historiography in my personal statement which I thought was unique but I've heard Cambridge don't really focus too much on the PS... Where are you planning on studying?
Thank you so much!! Idk what made my application stand out... I think the interviews and HAA went okay (I wouldn't say great but I wouldn't say terrible either...) I talked about historiography in my personal statement which I thought was unique but I've heard Cambridge don't really focus too much on the PS... Where are you planning on studying?
I wanna do History or law! Am a bit confused at the moment. What subjects do you study?
I noticed there wasn’t anything set up for history offer holders for this year so I thought i’d create this thread to allow fellow history offer holders to connect with each other.
I’ll go first, I’m Sophie, i’m on a gap year and I have an offer to read History at Queens’ college!