The Student Room Group

Downing College Offer Holders Thread 2023

Hi I’m Jacob and I have an offer for Law.
Just thought we could have a Downing thread if anyone wants to say hi
Original post by jacobrobertson22
Hi I’m Jacob and I have an offer for Law.
Just thought we could have a Downing thread if anyone wants to say hi

Hi! I’m Isabel and I’ve got a Classics offer at downing
Original post by sykesisabel
Hi! I’m Isabel and I’ve got a Classics offer at downing

What’s your offer if you don’t mind me asking?
Original post by jacobrobertson22
What’s your offer if you don’t mind me asking?

A*AA (A* in Latin, but I can get the two As in any of my other three subjects). How about you?
A* AA in any of my subjects, think it’s their standard offer.
Original post by jacobrobertson22
A* AA in any of my subjects, think it’s their standard offer.

Yeah I think it is. Congrats for getting the offer!
Hi, I’m Edwin and I’m from London. I got an offer for phys natsci A*A*A, with an A* required in single maths.
Does anyone know if there’s a group chat??
Original post by Edwin Robson
Hi, I’m Edwin and I’m from London. I got an offer for phys natsci A*A*A, with an A* required in single maths.
Does anyone know if there’s a group chat??

Hi Edwin, there’s a downing offer holder group chat on insta - I can add you to it?
Original post by sykesisabel
Hi Edwin, there’s a downing offer holder group chat on insta - I can add you to it?

Out of interest, how many people are in the group?
Original post by sykesisabel
Hi Edwin, there’s a downing offer holder group chat on insta - I can add you to it?

Sure, my account is edwin.robson
Reply 10
Hey guys, anyone with an offer from Downing from this year's cohort?
Reply 11
Original post by nimrodpaz
Hey guys, anyone with an offer from Downing from this year's cohort?

I can’t find Downing college offer holders thread for 2024. Is this why you are posting it here?
Reply 12
Original post by Japanstep
I can’t find Downing college offer holders thread for 2024. Is this why you are posting it here?

Yep... but I've actually found loads of people with a Cambridge 2024 offer, sorted by college and subject, on Discord. I'm not allowed to link it, but maybe you can find it yourself - to guide you, it's one you need to submit proof to get in for

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