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Arden university

I’m starting BSc Psychology at Arden University online. Is this university good and similarly recognised as other universities?
Original post by 60yearsyoung777
I’m starting BSc Psychology at Arden University online. Is this university good and similarly recognised as other universities?


Hello! I studied at Arden doing the MSc Psychology conversion and I had a great time. For an unbiased view check out their report with the QAA (a bit like Ofsted) and their teaching excellence framework report (TEF) both readily available online. I've been to three different Uni's, and as with them all some teachers I felt were more catered to my learning style than others, but I didn't have any 'bad' ones. Safe to say Arden has the best virtual learning environment I have come across (and i've worked in education for 10 years +), with great access to journals

I'm sure you will do great!

Arden University Student Ambassador
Original post by Arden University


Hello! I studied at Arden doing the MSc Psychology conversion and I had a great time. For an unbiased view check out their report with the QAA (a bit like Ofsted) and their teaching excellence framework report (TEF) both readily available online. I've been to three different Uni's, and as with them all some teachers I felt were more catered to my learning style than others, but I didn't have any 'bad' ones. Safe to say Arden has the best virtual learning environment I have come across (and i've worked in education for 10 years +), with great access to journals

I'm sure you will do great!

Arden University Student Ambassador

Thank you for the information and advice.
Original post by 60yearsyoung777
Thank you for the information and advice.

@60 42 44 Just to add the QAA no longer oversee quality of H.E providers, it is Ofs but their old reports give an overview of the quality of the provider. It only changed last year

Arden University Student Ambassador

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