The Student Room Group

Theology and Religion degree

Hey! Is anyone currently studying theology and religion and if so how are you finding it? also what are you planning to do with the degree after?

also can someone list careers that i could do with a theology and religion degree :smile:
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by ja1izo
Hey! Is anyone currently studying theology and religion and if so how are you finding it? also what are you planning to do with the degree after?

also can someone list careers that i could do with a theology and religion degree :smile:

Hey, so I’m not doing a theology and religion degree but I wanted to for a long time, as religion, theology and philosophy all pique my interest.

Because of my interest, I did research into what I could possibly do with a degree in those realms. If it’s from a top uni (ideally Cambridge or Oxford), you’ll have no problem securing a job in law or even a corporate field. From what I’ve heard, training contracts are pretty easy to obtain from the top russel groups and quite a lot of people go in with unrelated degrees, particularly degrees with theological/philosophical underpinnings.

Ultimately, I decided against studying religion and theology due to personal reasons and decided to go for accounting and finance, but I think it can be a good choice.
Reply 2
Original post by ontologicalpotat
Original post by ja1izo
Hey! Is anyone currently studying theology and religion and if so how are you finding it? also what are you planning to do with the degree after?

also can someone list careers that i could do with a theology and religion degree :smile:

Hey, so I’m not doing a theology and religion degree but I wanted to for a long time, as religion, theology and philosophy all pique my interest.

Because of my interest, I did research into what I could possibly do with a degree in those realms. If it’s from a top uni (ideally Cambridge or Oxford), you’ll have no problem securing a job in law or even a corporate field. From what I’ve heard, training contracts are pretty easy to obtain from the top russel groups and quite a lot of people go in with unrelated degrees, particularly degrees with theological/philosophical underpinnings.

Ultimately, I decided against studying religion and theology due to personal reasons and decided to go for accounting and finance, but I think it can be a good choice.

thank you!! i was told by so many people it wouldn’t get me a job but im doing what i enjoy at the end of the day! i have applied for theology and religion at only russell group unis since it’s less competitive currently have 3 offers🎉🎉 best of wishes with accounting and finance! funnily enough i was contemplating accounting and finance once i completed my gcses but ultimately wanted to do something i was passionate about!
Reply 3
Your degree shows you are smart, hardworking, can think, can write, can analyse and evaluate - all good skills. The other employability qualities are - are you confident with people? Are you punctual? Are you nice? Are you creative? Are you a team player? Most starter jobs require those skills to start with and you learn the industry specific stuff as you go. If you want a senior job in most sectors your ability to understand and work with people is key - and theology and religion has lots of transferable skills.
Reply 4
Original post by ja1izo
thank you!! i was told by so many people it wouldn’t get me a job but im doing what i enjoy at the end of the day! i have applied for theology and religion at only russell group unis since it’s less competitive currently have 3 offers🎉🎉 best of wishes with accounting and finance! funnily enough i was contemplating accounting and finance once i completed my gcses but ultimately wanted to do something i was passionate about!

The jobs you can do are for all intents and purposes exactly the same as the jobs you can do with any other degree except medicine and engineering. it is a myth that these things cannot lead to jobs.

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