The Student Room Group

Predicted Grades/Uni

Basically, I'm in my final year of college (yr13) and I want to go to Uni next year. AS grades don't really matter (I've been told this by a few people), its the predicted grades that do matter. I study 3 subjects, I have gotten 2 predicted grades so far which are an A and a C. The grade for the final subject I will get soon. These are teacher predicted grades, the ones that ucas are interested in, I think.

If in my other subject I get a B, that is an A,B,C predicted. The course that I want to do at Uni would be religious studies/philosophy/ethics/theology related. That field. The top unis that I want to go to (University of Birmingham) being an example require an ABB, that's what it says on the UCAS website.

What are the chances of me getting accepted with A,B,C predicted grades and I get these grades in the actual A level exams as well? If I am one or two grades off, is there a good chance I will get accepted?
Original post by anon0001231
Basically, I'm in my final year of college (yr13) and I want to go to Uni next year. AS grades don't really matter (I've been told this by a few people), its the predicted grades that do matter. I study 3 subjects, I have gotten 2 predicted grades so far which are an A and a C. The grade for the final subject I will get soon. These are teacher predicted grades, the ones that ucas are interested in, I think.

If in my other subject I get a B, that is an A,B,C predicted. The course that I want to do at Uni would be religious studies/philosophy/ethics/theology related. That field. The top unis that I want to go to (University of Birmingham) being an example require an ABB, that's what it says on the UCAS website.

What are the chances of me getting accepted with A,B,C predicted grades and I get these grades in the actual A level exams as well? If I am one or two grades off, is there a good chance I will get accepted?

Birmingham may make you an aspirational offer, even though you may just be below their entry requirements.
Theology and Religion is a subject that is part of their 'offer in principle' trial, and so you might be able to get an offer from them.

Nobody knows how you'll perform in the exam. If you're one grade off, then you may still be considered on results day, if there's space on the course. If you're two grades off, then that's slightly more of a push, but ultimately you'll be at the mercy of the university.

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