The Student Room Group

International student plagiarism in open book exam

Hello, I am an international student, and the university sent me an investigation letter for my online open book exam, and they say I plagiarised and misrepresented my answers…
I didn’t know we have to reference for open book exam too, I thought it only apply to essay. And the module lead have uploaded previous past paper’s answer online, and there are questions that are exactly the same as the previous past paper (with same data, same scenario, even same question asked, didn’t even change a single word). So I just changed some words and typed the answer… So it makes it look very similar to the answer key I guess.
I was taught in the way that we just need to memorise the answer key so we can get more marks in secondary school, but I never know it will be a mistake nor will it put me into this trouble now… it’s really an unintentional mistake. If I know it will be plagiarism, I wouldn’t risk this exam, especially I’m in my second year now. I actually feel bad for revising now…
I don’t know what I can do now. Anyone have similar issue or experience before , and can give me any advice? Please I really need help.
(edited 1 year ago)