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Best accommodation for first year engineering student at Sheffield

Hi what is the best accom for a first year engineering student at the uni of sheffield? I heard endcliffe is the best/where most first years go, but it’s far away from the Diamond. However, Allen Court is way closer to the engineering building but i don’t want to miss out on the social life at endcliffe. What would people recommend ?
not a student (but hopefully come september), but wherever you stay youre gonna be in the same boat as everyone else, as i think most buildings and departments are in a similar area. so personally id say encliffe ranmoor as the majority of people go there and seem to be chill with the distance from what ive seen (apart from some groaning about the hill lol) unless the 25 or so minute walk is a bit of a deal breaker for you
Original post by Anonymous #1
Hi what is the best accom for a first year engineering student at the uni of sheffield? I heard endcliffe is the best/where most first years go, but it’s far away from the Diamond. However, Allen Court is way closer to the engineering building but i don’t want to miss out on the social life at endcliffe. What would people recommend ?

Hey, I was in crescent flats last year up in encliffe. To make it easier i'll just a do a pros and cons list:


some great exercise everyday!

nice to have green scenery

The edge has a lot of activities going on, so always something to sign up to do

close to the ridge, which has a free gym (although i never went)

The edge has a good downstairs study area, so an easy communal study spot


an absolute pain if you're late for a lecture in the morning, as there is only so fast you can jog down a hill

My main friends all lived in city accomodation, so I didn't really experience too much of the endcliffe social life. I was also in Crescent flats, which is seperated from the general accom and I just generally found to be quite quiet with not much social life.

The distance from the Information coms and diamond can be not the best when wanting to get some late night studying in, and as i couldn't concentrate very well in my room it would have been nice to be close to a 24hr study space.

Of course all of my knowledge is biased as anyone else from different endcliffe accomodations would say different things, but generally as a person who doesn't mind walking, I didn't find that the distance from the city matterd that much as it was always some of the best times walking back up the endcliffe after a night out. And my friends who lived down at allen court also had a great time there, as they found it very easy to meet new people through proximity. But i mean yh, statistically more people you meet are from up in that area,It all just really depends on who you meet along the way.
Original post by pandapang05
Hey, I was in crescent flats last year up in encliffe. To make it easier i'll just a do a pros and cons list:


some great exercise everyday!

nice to have green scenery

The edge has a lot of activities going on, so always something to sign up to do

close to the ridge, which has a free gym (although i never went)

The edge has a good downstairs study area, so an easy communal study spot


an absolute pain if you're late for a lecture in the morning, as there is only so fast you can jog down a hill

My main friends all lived in city accomodation, so I didn't really experience too much of the endcliffe social life. I was also in Crescent flats, which is seperated from the general accom and I just generally found to be quite quiet with not much social life.

The distance from the Information coms and diamond can be not the best when wanting to get some late night studying in, and as i couldn't concentrate very well in my room it would have been nice to be close to a 24hr study space.

Of course all of my knowledge is biased as anyone else from different endcliffe accomodations would say different things, but generally as a person who doesn't mind walking, I didn't find that the distance from the city matterd that much as it was always some of the best times walking back up the endcliffe after a night out. And my friends who lived down at allen court also had a great time there, as they found it very easy to meet new people through proximity. But i mean yh, statistically more people you meet are from up in that area,It all just really depends on who you meet along the way.

I would still definitley recommend it tho, as i'm going back to there next year, since i've re-starting on a different course :smile:
Original post by Anonymous #1
Hi what is the best accom for a first year engineering student at the uni of sheffield? I heard endcliffe is the best/where most first years go, but it’s far away from the Diamond. However, Allen Court is way closer to the engineering building but i don’t want to miss out on the social life at endcliffe. What would people recommend ?


My name is Ellie and I am a 3rd year English Language and Linguistics student here at the University of Sheffield. In my first year, I lived in a block called Rivelin on the Endcliffe campus. In my flat I also lived with two engineers (mechanical engineering and electrical engineering). They both never expressed any negativity towards living in Endcliffe, and I wholeheartedly would recommend it to any prospective students. I absolutely loved my time at Endcliffe, as there was the perfect mix between social, fun activities, and the opportunity to go and sit in the recently refurbished study area on the ground floor of the edge building. The walk is obviously something that most students pick up on; it used to take me around 20/25 minutes to walk to most of my University buildings, and I had a fair few lectures in the Diamond building too.

Have you attended any of our open days/campus tours? You will have the opportunity to visit the accommodation and get a feel for what it is like location-wise, alongside everything else on offer here.

I hope this helps! Feel free to ask me anything :smile:

Ellie :smile:
Reply 5
Original post by University of Sheffield Students
My name is Ellie and I am a 3rd year English Language and Linguistics student here at the University of Sheffield. In my first year, I lived in a block called Rivelin on the Endcliffe campus. In my flat I also lived with two engineers (mechanical engineering and electrical engineering). They both never expressed any negativity towards living in Endcliffe, and I wholeheartedly would recommend it to any prospective students. I absolutely loved my time at Endcliffe, as there was the perfect mix between social, fun activities, and the opportunity to go and sit in the recently refurbished study area on the ground floor of the edge building. The walk is obviously something that most students pick up on; it used to take me around 20/25 minutes to walk to most of my University buildings, and I had a fair few lectures in the Diamond building too.
Have you attended any of our open days/campus tours? You will have the opportunity to visit the accommodation and get a feel for what it is like location-wise, alongside everything else on offer here.
I hope this helps! Feel free to ask me anything :smile:
Ellie :smile:

Hi Ellie I was wondering if you have any pics of the kitchen / room you had in rivelin as I am thinking of picking it
Original post by Anonymous #2
Hi Ellie I was wondering if you have any pics of the kitchen / room you had in rivelin as I am thinking of picking it


Rivelin was renovated and newly decorated the summer that I left (July/August 2022) so unfortunately any photos I have won't be an accurate depiction of what the flat now looks like. I know that the kitchen/living area is much more modern and that it has a grey colour theme. The bedrooms are also a grey theme with red features and a red wall I believe, but this may have been updated again since.

I hope this is helpful! Sorry about the lack of useful photos.

Ellie (3rd year English Language and Linguistics student) 🙂

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