The Student Room Group

is stanage a good flat?

i was wondering if i should stay there, I like socialising but I also like the quiet and being tidy, I hope to be more outgoing in uni though! Also I'm worried about stanage being noisy since it's near the taxi bank?

Also how would u rank the flats Yarncliffe, froggatt, rivelin and stanage from best to worst.
Reply 1
Not yet in uni but I’ll be going to Sheffield this year too! there are vr tours on Sheffields website of other accom, but when I went to visit the uni we saw inside frogatt and it was super nice, especially for uni accom (yarncliffe is the same as frogatt) kinda felt a bit like an apartment to me in a good way; I could see it being lovely to live in. I’m considering stanage too because I thought that that was a car park outside it and not a taxi bank and was hoping I’d have a roommate with a car because I can’t afford one lol. I’m super similar to you on the socialising front hoping to be more outgoing so based on what students I spoke to there said I’m choosing accom around the edge (stanage, howden, yarncliffe, froggatt etc) btw would u mind telling why are you considering rivelin? sorry for the super long answer :smile:
Reply 2
Original post by acorn111
Not yet in uni but I’ll be going to Sheffield this year too! there are vr tours on Sheffields website of other accom, but when I went to visit the uni we saw inside frogatt and it was super nice, especially for uni accom (yarncliffe is the same as frogatt) kinda felt a bit like an apartment to me in a good way; I could see it being lovely to live in. I’m considering stanage too because I thought that that was a car park outside it and not a taxi bank and was hoping I’d have a roommate with a car because I can’t afford one lol. I’m super similar to you on the socialising front hoping to be more outgoing so based on what students I spoke to there said I’m choosing accom around the edge (stanage, howden, yarncliffe, froggatt etc) btw would u mind telling why are you considering rivelin? sorry for the super long answer :smile:

One of the student ambassadors said she lived in the rivelin and liked it and it didn't seem bad to me when looking at its location on the endcliffe map but I have managed to hold a room in Yarncliffe for now.

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