The Student Room Group

boredom at university

despite having 12 hours contact a week and doing all my pre-class stuff, i'm generally really bored at university. i can't get a job, my only friends all commute from far away, and i don't have a lot of money to be consistently going out or doing other things (eg gym, visiting my family every weekend or so). a lot of groups at uni are very cliquey and I've really struggled to make other friends as a result.
does anyone have any advice?

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My advice would be to keep trying to find a job and then other opportunities will come from that like gaining work friends and more money to do the things you like. I know its difficult to find one but apply for lots on indeed and also bring in your cv to places because they're more likely to notice you if you go in in person
Original post by Anonymous
despite having 12 hours contact a week and doing all my pre-class stuff, i'm generally really bored at university. i can't get a job, my only friends all commute from far away, and i don't have a lot of money to be consistently going out or doing other things (eg gym, visiting my family every weekend or so). a lot of groups at uni are very cliquey and I've really struggled to make other friends as a result.
does anyone have any advice?

Did you join a few clubs and societies during fresher's week? Those are a good way to meet new people and there really shouldn't be too much in the way of costs involved. Hopefully, it's also something interesting to do. (Even joining clubs/societies you're not really that interested in, just to meet people, is often worthwhile.)
When was the last time you suggested to a bunch of classmates, or a group from your Uni flat/house, that you grab a coffee together after class or went for a pizza together on Sunday. Try building a social life - and stop waiting for other people to do it for you.
Original post by Anonymous #1
despite having 12 hours contact a week and doing all my pre-class stuff, i'm generally really bored at university. i can't get a job, my only friends all commute from far away, and i don't have a lot of money to be consistently going out or doing other things (eg gym, visiting my family every weekend or so). a lot of groups at uni are very cliquey and I've really struggled to make other friends as a result.
does anyone have any advice?


I’m sorry you’ve been struggling with making friends! I know it’s tough to feel lonely at university. If I had to give some advice, I would suggest joining some societies or clubs that interest you. They can be a great place to meet people with similar interests and introduce a great starting point to conversation. Maybe try one or two of them, make an effort to talk to some people and invite them to hang out?

I hope this helps!

Third Year Psychology
University of Huddersfield
Original post by Anonymous #1
despite having 12 hours contact a week and doing all my pre-class stuff, i'm generally really bored at university. i can't get a job, my only friends all commute from far away, and i don't have a lot of money to be consistently going out or doing other things (eg gym, visiting my family every weekend or so). a lot of groups at uni are very cliquey and I've really struggled to make other friends as a result.
does anyone have any advice?


I'm sorry you are feeling this way.

I would recommend looking into any societies or sports clubs that are of interest to you to potentially join as this would allow you to meet like minded people and allow you to be a bit more social without having large costs.

Also for jobs I would recommend seeing if your university have any student ones such as helping out on open days such as giving campus tours as this could be another way of making friends who are students as well but would also give you some more money. Which would then allow you to meet up with people more often as well.

Hope that helps!

3rd Year Geoenvironmental Hazards Student
Original post by Anonymous #1
despite having 12 hours contact a week and doing all my pre-class stuff, i'm generally really bored at university. i can't get a job, my only friends all commute from far away, and i don't have a lot of money to be consistently going out or doing other things (eg gym, visiting my family every weekend or so). a lot of groups at uni are very cliquey and I've really struggled to make other friends as a result.
does anyone have any advice?


Sorry to hear how you have been feeling lately, and you are not alone as I have experienced this whilst being at university also. I will pass on some tips and advice that has seemed to help me when I have felt bored.

Getting a job. I would not give up on the job hunt as I am sure there will be opportunities soon, so do keep an eye out. I would check in with your careers team at the university as they can help and even know of jobs perfect for students and these could even be at the university such as a Student Ambassador. At the end of the day maybe even if you could get some volunteering opportunities as you will still be getting out the house, maybe meet new people, be part of the community and bulk out your CV.

Start a new hobby. Whilst you have some spare time, why not engage in something new and not be as bored. Whilst studying at university, I have started to crochet, read more, learn a new language, get involved with exercise (even if this is daily walks and doing workouts in my room) and colouring in. Why not try some of these and even more such as finding a new tv series, listen to podcasts, journal, arts and crafts I am sure there is plenty out there.

I would join societies / and sports teams at your university, they can either be free or quite affordable and it will be great to know people who attend your university. Even if it is the middle of the year, I am sure societies will always welcome new members and at least then you do have an option if you are that bored. Who knows, why don’t you try and you could have an amazing time and meeting up could become a regular occurrence. Check out their social medias and see if you can get a vibe of the club and its members, maybe they will be your kind of people.

In regard to missing friends and family, reach out. There is always facetime if you can’t see each other in person and let them know you are missing them and say about making future plans for when you do have the money / and when they are available!

I hope this helps,
-Maddie, second year Health and well-being in society student at De Montfort University
Original post by Anonymous
despite having 12 hours contact a week and doing all my pre-class stuff, i'm generally really bored at university. i can't get a job, my only friends all commute from far away, and i don't have a lot of money to be consistently going out or doing other things (eg gym, visiting my family every weekend or so). a lot of groups at uni are very cliquey and I've really struggled to make other friends as a result.
does anyone have any advice?

You've been getting plenty of good advice in this thread! I just want to suggest a few more things:

I sympathise with you and having commuter friends. Most of the friends from my degree commute, and most of them suffer from commutivitis: the urge to go home straight away after lectures and generally try to minimise time spent outside of home. Which is incredibly annoying and they're missing out on what I think is a pretty integral part of university life. However, commutivitis can be tackled! You just have to be a bit persistant and come up with plans and keep inviting them. They'll put up a fight, they'll say no a lot, but if you keep trying they'll start saying yes. They don't have to be expensive plans either. Last time I tackled commutivitis we ended up going to a free musem and then having a picnic in a nearby park!

Another thing you can do is to explore your city. There's always something to see that you already haven't. Bonus points if you get a bike (you can get them for cheap second hand) and you can ride around the place - really fun and good exercise too.

Also, just go out by yourself sometimes. I will avoid going out by myself as much as possible but if I'm all alone in my room, with nothing to do, then going out is preferable to sulking in my room! There are a few places I like to go, and there's a hidden corner of London which I like to go (in my bike) with a book and sit down to read for a bit. So that's always nice. I believe life's better with company, but not having company is no excuse to miss out!

Also, read books! Watch TV, some movies, listen to music...
Original post by Anonymous #1
despite having 12 hours contact a week and doing all my pre-class stuff, i'm generally really bored at university. i can't get a job, my only friends all commute from far away, and i don't have a lot of money to be consistently going out or doing other things (eg gym, visiting my family every weekend or so). a lot of groups at uni are very cliquey and I've really struggled to make other friends as a result.
does anyone have any advice?


I can totally understand how you're feeling. It sounds like you're going through a challenging time at university. Here are some things that have helped me make friends and feel less lonely. It might be worth giving some a go, even if it seems like they might not help at first.

After working in a group or near people in a workshop or tutorial, ask for their number/snapchat/instagram. You can then reach out about the work later and schedule study sessions. This is a solid way to boost your academic productivity and doubles as a social session. In my experience, if you propose getting a library room after a lecture or another convenient time other people are open to it, especially if there is a coursework due soon.

Approach the careers service to have them look at your CV and cover letters. If they can fix some issues with your CV and boost your cover letters, you may be able to find a job or point you in the direction of job vacancies. Some unis advertise jobs on campus for students only so see if your uni has that?

Volunteering is a great way to feel good about yourself while also meeting new people. Even if you don't end up making long-term friends, it might help just to have conversations with new people. Again, the careers service might be able to help you, or online volunteering sites or local charities.

Have FaceTime chats with your family and friends from home. In my first year at uni, my friendship group hosted quiz nights and game nights via zoom and it was a great (and cheap) way to catch up with them and not feel lonely.

Take yourself out. It's nice to get out of the monotony of doing work. Why not go for a walk in the country, go to the cinema, for a coffee or even take a train to the next city for a day out? I often find that doing something other than my degree really helps me to feel less bored and breaks up the week.

Hope this helps,
Beth (Lancaster Student Ambassador)
Original post by Anonymous #1
despite having 12 hours contact a week and doing all my pre-class stuff, i'm generally really bored at university. i can't get a job, my only friends all commute from far away, and i don't have a lot of money to be consistently going out or doing other things (eg gym, visiting my family every weekend or so). a lot of groups at uni are very cliquey and I've really struggled to make other friends as a result.
does anyone have any advice?

Hi there,

I thought I'd also add some of my advice for stopping boredom at Uni!

Keep trying to get a job. See if your uni has any openings for campus jobs as these can be a really good way to make friends as lots of students work there and the hours are really flexible to fit around your studies too.

Ask your course friends that commute if they want to do something after uni one day. A lot of my course friends commute too and I was surprised by the amount of people that commute but they may be up for doing something after a lecture one day- maybe a coffee, going to the library together or a wander around town. If they are already in the city for uni they may be up for doing something with you!

Join a society! There are usually societies for loads of different things and this can be a good way of making friends and it will also be something to do at least once a week!

Go on walks or just go out and explore the city you are living in. If you have nobody to go with I would say just go on your own, it can actually be really fun and peaceful!

I hope some of this helps you,

Lucy - SHU student ambassador
Original post by Anonymous #1
despite having 12 hours contact a week and doing all my pre-class stuff, i'm generally really bored at university. i can't get a job, my only friends all commute from far away, and i don't have a lot of money to be consistently going out or doing other things (eg gym, visiting my family every weekend or so). a lot of groups at uni are very cliquey and I've really struggled to make other friends as a result.
does anyone have any advice?

Hi there,
Maybe go out and do a sport, run, other free sports
Take up a new hobby
Go on some hikes
Join a free society, my band and running society is free!
Get an online job, I work for the uni this might be more accessible for you?
Look on Facebook for friends to connect with nearer you.
Best wishes
Original post by Anonymous #1
despite having 12 hours contact a week and doing all my pre-class stuff, i'm generally really bored at university. i can't get a job, my only friends all commute from far away, and i don't have a lot of money to be consistently going out or doing other things (eg gym, visiting my family every weekend or so). a lot of groups at uni are very cliquey and I've really struggled to make other friends as a result.
does anyone have any advice?

Hi there,

I'm sorry to read this. Can I ask what you're struggles are with finding a job? I've personally found that working throughout my degree has made sure that I'm always busy, helped me be more social and build a portfolio while working towards my degree.

All the best,
Jaz - Cardiff student rep
Reply 12
Original post by Anonymous #1
despite having 12 hours contact a week and doing all my pre-class stuff, i'm generally really bored at university. i can't get a job, my only friends all commute from far away, and i don't have a lot of money to be consistently going out or doing other things (eg gym, visiting my family every weekend or so). a lot of groups at uni are very cliquey and I've really struggled to make other friends as a result.
does anyone have any advice?


Sorry to hear you are feeling like this but there are a few tips I would recommend to help this feeling.

I would recommend joining a sports club/society within your university. This is often an amazing way of making new friends and taking up a new hobby. These societies or clubs often host weekly sessions and on top of that often run social events too so there is ample opportunity to socialise and make new friends outside of your course.

I would also consider applying for more jobs and a good option for this would be looking within your university for any available roles. Roles such as Student Ambassadors are an incredible way of earning some money while promoting your university. It also allows you the opportunity to make new friends and socialise with others in your university. I've found that being student ambassador has made my university experience so much more enjoyable as I've got to experience so many news opportunities such as working at careers fair and open days all while getting to spread why I am so passionate about my course. Other roles within the university could be working for your student union bar which often offer some roles which involve being quite sociable.

I hope this is of some assistance,

London South Bank University Student Rep - 3rd year Children's Nursing
Original post by Scotland Yard
You've been getting plenty of good advice in this thread! I just want to suggest a few more things:

I sympathise with you and having commuter friends. Most of the friends from my degree commute, and most of them suffer from commutivitis: the urge to go home straight away after lectures and generally try to minimise time spent outside of home. Which is incredibly annoying and they're missing out on what I think is a pretty integral part of university life. However, commutivitis can be tackled! You just have to be a bit persistant and come up with plans and keep inviting them. They'll put up a fight, they'll say no a lot, but if you keep trying they'll start saying yes. They don't have to be expensive plans either. Last time I tackled commutivitis we ended up going to a free musem and then having a picnic in a nearby park!

Another thing you can do is to explore your city. There's always something to see that you already haven't. Bonus points if you get a bike (you can get them for cheap second hand) and you can ride around the place - really fun and good exercise too.

Also, just go out by yourself sometimes. I will avoid going out by myself as much as possible but if I'm all alone in my room, with nothing to do, then going out is preferable to sulking in my room! There are a few places I like to go, and there's a hidden corner of London which I like to go (in my bike) with a book and sit down to read for a bit. So that's always nice. I believe life's better with company, but not having company is no excuse to miss out!

Also, read books! Watch TV, some movies, listen to music...

To be fair, as a commuter student - it's not necessarily due to being unwilling to spend time with people on campus. In my experience it's really more just that I need to plan everything around the 2 hour lead time for commuting, and spending so much time every week commuting is just fatiguing. While it would be nice to spend time on campus hanging out, I'm just aware that doing so means even just spending a couple hours in the early afternoon may mean I don't get home until after 7 or so, and have much less time to do all my other personal admin, assignments, and just having downtime for myself. Doing things in the evening is even harder - if I stayed for an event finishing at just 7, I wouldn't get home until after 10 once all the chains of the commute work out...

Add to this potentially other commitments (e.g. work, family, friends outside uni) and it just becomes a secondary concern.

Original post by Anonymous
despite having 12 hours contact a week and doing all my pre-class stuff, i'm generally really bored at university. i can't get a job, my only friends all commute from far away, and i don't have a lot of money to be consistently going out or doing other things (eg gym, visiting my family every weekend or so). a lot of groups at uni are very cliquey and I've really struggled to make other friends as a result.
does anyone have any advice?

As above, definitely check out clubs and societies at your uni - there are normally loads of options. Also look at other activities you can do, related to your course or career plans or not. Preparing well in advance for summer research projects, internships, etc, using the resources of your unis careers team to look at career options and start getting your CV ready and understanding what they are looking for in interviews etc is quite valuable (and easier to start earlier rather than trying to catch up later!).

You can also just take some of the time explore your personal interests and hobbies. Start a long term personal project or something :smile:
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by Anonymous #1
despite having 12 hours contact a week and doing all my pre-class stuff, i'm generally really bored at university. i can't get a job, my only friends all commute from far away, and i don't have a lot of money to be consistently going out or doing other things (eg gym, visiting my family every weekend or so). a lot of groups at uni are very cliquey and I've really struggled to make other friends as a result.
does anyone have any advice?

Hey there!

Filling your time at university can be hard if you don't have many contact hours so I get where you're coming from!
When it comes to finding a job, don't give up! It's worth seeing if your university has a careers department as they can help you to find work - ours is great and has links to different places that understand what it's like to be a student.

Have you had a look at joining societies? These are a great way to meet people with similar interest to you and are usually super welcoming!

I hope this helps a little!

-Rebecca, UCLan 4th Year
Reply 15
Original post by CardiffUni Rep
Hi there,

I'm sorry to read this. Can I ask what you're struggles are with finding a job? I've personally found that working throughout my degree has made sure that I'm always busy, helped me be more social and build a portfolio while working towards my degree.

All the best,
Jaz - Cardiff student rep

a mix of nowhere hiring (despite me asking), applying and not getting a job and my student union isn't hiring. i was reluctant to apply to the student union when i first came to university because i was originally planning to drop out at the end of my first semester/ i was not enjoying university life
Original post by Anonymous #1
a mix of nowhere hiring (despite me asking), applying and not getting a job and my student union isn't hiring. i was reluctant to apply to the student union when i first came to university because i was originally planning to drop out at the end of my first semester/ i was not enjoying university life

I'm sorry to hear this. In my experience, they do usually do most of their recruiting at the beginning on the academic year - though it is always by sending them an email. You can get some insight here into different job options as a student that might give you insight into what to look into at your university - I hope it helps!

All the best,
Jaz - Cardiff student rep
Original post by Anonymous #1
despite having 12 hours contact a week and doing all my pre-class stuff, i'm generally really bored at university. i can't get a job, my only friends all commute from far away, and i don't have a lot of money to be consistently going out or doing other things (eg gym, visiting my family every weekend or so). a lot of groups at uni are very cliquey and I've really struggled to make other friends as a result.
does anyone have any advice?

Hi there!

I'm so sorry you're feeling this way - it can be really hard to make friends at University as well as find what you enjoy doing. There are actually so many others in the exact same boat!

I know it's a cliché, but societies and clubs are such a good way to make friends while doing something you enjoy outside of your studies, and without having to spend a lot of money. I know it's tough but why not go out of your comfort zone and try a few new things - you might find a new hobby you really enjoy! If you discover a club you love you'll be surrounded by like minded people and you are likely to hit it off with them due to your common interest. As difficult as it is, try to put yourself out there.

If you currently do your studying in your room, why not try going to the library and studying on campus? You might find yourself engaging with familiar faces.

If you're finding it hard to get a part-time job, I would also check if there are any student jobs going at your uni? Sometimes there are jobs at the SU, the gym, or even as a student ambassador that you could take advantage of. This would give you great experiences and help support you to make friends as you will be exposed to other students on campus that you wouldn't meet in your course. As well as earning some cash on the side.

I hope this helps and best of luck!
Reply 18
Original post by Anonymous #1
despite having 12 hours contact a week and doing all my pre-class stuff, i'm generally really bored at university. i can't get a job, my only friends all commute from far away, and i don't have a lot of money to be consistently going out or doing other things (eg gym, visiting my family every weekend or so). a lot of groups at uni are very cliquey and I've really struggled to make other friends as a result.
does anyone have any advice?
Adapt to survive - if the context is cliquey, join a clique!
Original post by Anonymous
despite having 12 hours contact a week and doing all my pre-class stuff, i'm generally really bored at university. i can't get a job, my only friends all commute from far away, and i don't have a lot of money to be consistently going out or doing other things (eg gym, visiting my family every weekend or so). a lot of groups at uni are very cliquey and I've really struggled to make other friends as a result.
does anyone have any advice?

I agree with the others to try and keep hunting for a part time job :hugs:
Have you tried posting on your local uni town's facebook group? (not a 'university of XYZ students...' , but one for residents of that local town). Loads of people post in my local towns and those kinds of posts usually get a decent amount of replies :smile: Campus jobs are also an option as well :yep:

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